CHALCO Seeks Self Rescue,Passing its Assets to
Parent Company
【期刊名称】《中国有色金属月刊:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)011
【摘要】<正>According to a recent announcement by Aluminum Corporation of China Limited(CHALCO),CHALCO Hong Kong Ltd-its wholly owned subsidiary in Hong Kong plans to transfer its holdings of 65%equities of CHALCO Iron Ore Holdings to Chinalco Overseas Holdings,a wholly owned Hong Kong subsidiary of Chinalco,the parent company of CHALCO.Assets disposal became the only way left for the non-ferrous metals leader.As it recorded a huge loss of RMB 8.2 billion last year,in order 【总页数】2页(P.5-6)
【关键词】subsidiary wholly ferrous owned parent announcemen 【作者】; 【作者单位】; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】F426.32 【相关文献】
1.Tianjin CATARC Auto Hi-Tech Company and Tianjin Tianfeng Auto Hi-Tech Development Company --Development and Application of Auto
CHALCO Seeks Self Rescue,Passing its Assets to Parent Company