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Unit 8


1. Listen to the recording of the text and choose the answer that best reflects your un dersta nding. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5.A

3. Read the text aga in for Ian guage and complete the follow ing tasks. 3 Tran slate the followi ng expressi ons into Chin ese. 1. 给她一顶帐篷 2. 递给他一件军外套 3.给我们唱首歌

11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

告诉你实话 给他们一个教训 卖给我辆车 给我带食物来 把糖递给我 助我臂之力 给我们树立榜样 给你做顿饭 给你弄些现款

4 .希望你一路顺风/旅途愉快 5.给我自己找广-介丈夫 6.给我们寄个包裹 7.给他提供一个工作 8.给我买本书

9.给你看张画/照片 19. 10.给你提供一个机会/条件/价位等


1. Become familiar with the rules of word formatio n 1. Give the corresp onding nouns for the follow ing verbs. 1. discovery 2. Addition 3. Display

9. depe ndence 10. amazement 11. consideration

4. determination 12. reliance 13. supposition 14. addiction 15. acceleration 16. schedule

5. entertainment 6.Renewal 7. treatment 8.Intrigue

2. Translate the following expressions paying attention to the different use of the suffix “ -tive ” . 1.积极支持

2. 一个富有想象力的主意 3.积极正面的效果 4.一张表情丰富的脸 5.在一种相对的意义上 6.一种被动的态度 7.一个给人深刻印象的展示

11. 12. 13. 14.



3. Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area 1. Japanese 2. Italian 3. Brazilian 4. Iranian 5. Cantonese 6. Indonesian



.一项保守的政策 一位进步的学者

一个引人注目的年轻姑娘 生产力

一个非常敏感的人 一门选修课 一触即发的形势

12. Korean 13. Egyptian 14. Portuguese 15. Indian 16. Nepalese 17. Chilean 18. Russian

7. Cuban 8. Vietnamese

19. Mexican

9. Lebanese 10. Syrian 11. Can adian 4. Fill in

20. Roma nian

21. Suda nese 22 Mon golia n

the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict ” or “consider ”

1 addicts 4 con sider, con siderati on

2 addictive, addicted 5 con siderate 3 addicti on

6 Con siderable, con sidered

2. Complete the followi ng verb+ noun collecti ons or expressi ons 1. pitch

2. meal / dish / food 9. people / ani mals / the homeless 3. guests / friends 10. people / ani mals 4. take/ pla n

11. test / develop / prove / study 5 rouse / arouse

12. conq uer/ feel

6. faith / library books / frien dship 13. make/ take/ accept / renew

/ withdraw 7. hitch

14 nip

8. drive/ travel/ cover

15 touch/ break

3. Complete the senten ces by tra nslat ing the Chin ese in the brackets. 1. that all n ati ons realize that global warm ing is everybody ' 2. that life is always full of opport un ities and challe nges/risks 3. that all this has proved that our efforts have not bee n in vain 4. that the earth moves round the sun

5. that she had bee n admitted to that uni versity 6. that wives ought to stay at home

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