【期刊名称】《兵工自动化》 【年(卷),期】2018(037)006
【摘要】为解决传统帧间差分法常出现\空洞\和虚假目标、适用场景受限等缺点,提出一种七帧对称差分和Top-Hat融合的新型目标检测方法.分析一般帧间差分法、七帧对称差分法、七帧对称差分法与 Top-Hat 融合的基本原理,给出算法实现流程,基于Matlab 2010b进行实验结果检测与分析.实验结果表明:新型检测方法具有实时性好、性能稳定的特点,能可靠地检测出目标,应用于地对空情形红外目标的检测.%In order to solve these problems that the traditional method of frame difference method often appears 'void' and false object, this paper proposed a novel method of object detection which combined 7 frame symmetric difference and Top-Hat transformation, analyzed the fundamentals of the general frame difference, 7 frame symmetric difference, combination of 7 frame symmetric difference and Top-Hat, and offered the algorithms implementing procedures. The whole experimental results of analysis are based on Matlab 2010b. The experimental results show that the method has a good real-time performance and a stable performance in object detection, and it can be applied to infrared object detection in condition of ground to air. 【总页数】5页(6-9,22)