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北京市高考英语二轮复习专题精讲 第18讲 书面表达一1(下)

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第18讲 书面表达一经典精讲(下)










用英语写一篇瓦特·迪斯尼的生平简介。(字数:80左右)提示如下: 1. 1901年出生于芝加哥。

2. 年轻时想当画家,无人对他的画感兴趣。 3. 在家里的停车间里画画时,观察一只老鼠。 4. 后来到美国西部,开始画老鼠。 5. 后来成了成功 的卡通制作人。 6. 于1966年去世。


写一篇居里夫人的小传。 内容应包括:

1. 居里夫人是伟大的女科学家,1867年出生于波兰一教师家庭。她从小爱科学。

2. 16岁中学毕业,毕业后不能继续受教育,因为当时处于沙俄的统治,后不得不搞家教准去法国留学。

3. 1891年,使年24岁,巴黎大学就学。1893年以优异成绩毕业并获物理硕士学位;一年后又获博士学位,留校搞研究。

4. 1895年与法国物理学家皮尔。居里结婚,皮尔和她一样热爱科学。

5. 1903年居里夫妇合得诺贝尔物理奖,1911年居里夫人第二次获化学诺贝尔奖。 6. 1934年7月4日去世。



查理·狄更斯是英国19世纪的杰出的文学家。出生于一个贫苦的家庭。10岁时,他的父亲负债入狱,狄更斯只好找一份工作谋生。他从小爱好文学,24岁时,发表了第一部作品《匹克。威克外传》,并一举成名。其名作还有《大卫科波菲尔》、《雾都孤儿》和《双城记》。他的许多作品被翻译成许多种语言而被人们所喜爱。查理。狄更斯死于1870年。 参考词汇:《匹克。威克外传》The Pickwick Papers;《大卫科波菲尔》David Copperfield;《雾都孤儿》Oliver Twist;《双城记》A Tale of Two Cities 注意:不要逐字翻译 词数:120-150


请根据下列提示写一篇中国人民的伟大朋友史沫特莱(Agnes Smedley)的短文。 1. 史沫特莱(1894-1950)是美国进步记者和作家,中国人民的伟大朋友。 2. 她出身于一个工人阶级家庭,童年几乎没什么正规教育,后靠自学成才。 3. 她对中国人民热爱,对中国革命支持。

4. 在抗战期间她访问延安和前线(她首次以记者身份来华时1928年,此后在中国呆了十二、三年)。

5. 她后来因病回国。 因美国政府阻挠她未能再次返回中国。 6. 她逝世于伦敦。她一生写了许多关于中国的著作。

参考词汇:抗日战争 the war of Resistance Against Japan. 词数:120左右


根据下面的表格写一篇美国小说家欧亨利的生平简介。 姓名 William Sidney Porter 美国 笔名 O’Henry 职业 短篇小说家 国籍 个人 简历 生卒时间 1867-1910 出生地 美国西部 1. 年轻时在银行和报社工作; 2. 30多岁时无辜坐了3年牢,在狱中开始写作; 3. 出狱后,定居纽约,很快取得成功; 4. 一生写了300多篇小说,其中一些被翻译为汉语,深受中国读者欢迎。


请根据下面所提供的信息写一篇题为“Xiong Ning-a beautiful volunteer”的文章并发表自己的感想。 要点如下:

1. 熊宁1978年出生于陕西省西安市;

2. 大学毕业后,熊宁把从事公益事业作为自己的人生目标; 3. 熊宁经常去西安孤儿院照顾那里的孤儿;

4. 熊宁曾两次去青海省玉树的一所孤儿学校任教;

5. 2008年3月2日熊宁和另外三个志愿者用卡车把筹集到的救援物资运到了发生暴风雪的玉树,并发给了那里的人们。然而不幸的是,她在3月10日从玉树到西宁的路上去发生了车祸,失去了自己的年轻生命。

参考词汇:orphanage孤儿院; 孤儿orphan; 救济relief 注意:不要逐词逐句翻译,要在适当的地方使用过渡词; 词数:100-120左右。

第18讲 书面表达一经典精讲(下) 题一:

Zhou Qifeng Zhou Qifeng, one of China’s top chemists, was born in Hunan Province in 1947. Zhou’s mother brought him and his three brothers up by herself, for his father died young. Zhou did very well in his lessons though he had a hard life. In 1965 Zhou became

a student of the chemistry department of Peking University, where he graduated and remained as a teacher in 1970. Zhou was sent to study at the University of Massachusetts in the U.S.A in 1980. After he got a doctor’s degree there in 1983, Zhou returned to Peking University and continued teaching. Zhou was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999. From June 2001 to July 2004 Zhou worked at the Ministry of Education In July 2004 Zhou was made president of Jilin University, where Zhou was known for his wonderful reforms .

Zhou demoted 45 professors because of their poor performance. Experts said at the time it was “a quake in China’s education circle”. Zhou refused to make teachers’ children with low grades enter the university, which was highly spoken of by students. Zhou cared about and loved students. In 2006 Zhou gave10,000 yuan to a student who suffered from leukemia . Many students at Jilin University were made sad by Zhou’s leaving,several of whom made an electronic (电子的) album to him, called “President Zhou , You Look Like a Child ”, which has become popular on the university’s website.

In November 5, 2008, which was her birthday of 61, Zhou was made president of Peking University , the university’s 10th president since 1949. Zhou said,\Maybe the road ahead is still difficult, but I will go step by step. I will have thanksgiving in mind ,get blessing (祝福) to remain in the bottom of my heart, put the ideal into action!\

点评:文章叙述了周其凤的成长成功之路以及对学校工作充满感情,对年轻一代充满关爱,工作作风赢得了全校师生员工的高度信任和尊重;本文使用了大量的定语从句、状语从句和宾语从句,提高的文章的档次。 题二:

Roger Tsien

Roger Tsien, whose uncle is Qian Xuesen, the founder of China’s space science, was born in New York, the United States in 1952 and grew up in Livingston, New Jersey. Tsien often had to stay at home because of asthma when he was a child. Showing a strong interest in chemical experiments, Tsien would spend a few hours doing chemical experiments in the basement of his home. In 1968 Tsien won the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the first important award in his life. After that Tsien entered Harvard University, where at 20 he got a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry and physics and graduated. Leaving Harvard University, Tsien went to Cambridge University for further education, where he got a doctor’s degree in physiology in 1977. In 1981Tsien came to Berkeley School of California University, where he worked as a professor for eight years. In 1989 Tsien moved his lab to San Diego School of California University, where he is a pharmacology professor and a professor of chemistry and biochemistry as well. In 1995 Tsien was made an academician of the U.S. Medical Institute and in 1998 an academician of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Tsien won lots of important awards from 1991 to 2004, including the 2004 Wolf Prize in Medicine, one of the world’s highest achievement awards. Tsien and two other scientists won the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovering green fluorescent protein, commonly called GFP, and developing the protein as a powerful tool for basic

北京市高考英语二轮复习专题精讲 第18讲 书面表达一1(下)


