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第一部分 交际用语(共计10分.每小J82分)

1-5 ? :阅读下面的小对话,判断答培是否恰当.恰当的选A ( Right) .不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答案勇在答赃纸上。

L — Hellot Xiaoyan. How was the pnriy? — Hu Jack. 1 met him yesterday. A. Right

B. Wrong

2. —Are you rsdy to order?

—Yes. I'll have A chicken salAd plcAsee A. Right

B. Wrong 3. — How can I book 8 cheap hotel? —If I were you. I'd phone a travel agents A. Right

?:B. Wrong 4. —1 went to a fnshion show last niRht. —Who took away tny book? A. Right

B. Wrong 5. —Have you been to America?

—I've never been thertt but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right

B. Wrong




6. It fs ________ to learn how to ploy tennis.

A. easily B. easy

C. lazy

7. _______ I missed the tr.in, I arrived at work on time.

A. Because Although C. If

8. I'm not helping you. Yau must wash your sockji ___________

A. you B. younjeM

Ce itself

9. A: What does she _______ ?

B: ()h, shtS very beautiful with long dark hair. A. look like B. take after C. like

\\Q. _______ is wrong with the car. It wonft start.

甄蛾上与出所选的A. Nothing Ct Everything A. will book C. booked

B. Something

1 L 1i you the tickclMe I will do I he parkinge

B. book

I2> Hr ______ mr he wn? Kning lu jApnn next W^dnZny.

A. ?aid C. told 13. You

A. h?vc to C. hove

I L ChmA And ( Anndn nrc

A< nbout C. over

15. Shefs thr periion ___ _ nwirn the rmtnurnnl.

A. who C. whnt

16. Mikr of for rd to help and w

A> datM C. did

I7e Mnry told Liltlr Potn nut _ nil the rnoneya A. upend C. tn ?pcnd

l& Ai Have you finished yaur homework?

Bi _______ . A. No? t didnrt (\\ No> I hnven *1, 19. I le u>ed ti)

A> working C<

20. Hr hns ________ gone out>

Ae just (\\ nn

第三部分 旬型变涣(共计1》分.耳小赃3分)

21 — 2眼根据括号里的奖求改与句干.并将答*写在答城上.

2L HC you phone me biter* Suwn?\(用心k. . . lo 改句 f )

22. Hr didn*T run fw. 11( didn't cntch the bm (月I tmeuRh. . . 2 将两句连成一句) 23? Ik disturbed lha burglars.(将句 f 改为被功倡态〉

24. Su^in collected the iickct? th[? nwrning.(用 When 什对划翊部分提问) 25. I went chopping I needed a pntr ol shw.(用 bceai^r 将四句也成一句)

B. now B. No. I have. B. Mpent Jnhn. B. i? Be which

一 the sntnr *ixct

B. under

wear A uniform nt 5chiH)L You c/m wear anything you like

H donet have to B. fell

very hnrd when he wast young.

H. work

第四部分 阅读理解(共计20分.每小蹭4分)

26-30 H:阅读下列短文,从A.H.C三个逃项中选出一个正龄答案.并在答题纸上葛出所选 的字毋符号。

Mnry hg just returned to the USA. after studying in England for ihrcc ycar5. She decided to study at a British university rather than an American one beenuxc her mother h trim England nnd nhe wanted to get to know her molhd family bettrr. She studied English

l. neraturc al Goldsmiths' Colleget which is in London. She lived with her grandmother while >he wns studying- The college wns recommended by a friend 1 s brother who hnd studied in Knglnnd for his MBA< Mnry told her friends that she was going to return to Europe io work bcr?u$c she had enjoyed her time in England so much.

26? Mary is now in _______ .

A. England C. Frnnrc

27. She studied at __ _____ univcrmty>

A. A British C. n Chinese

28. MOM probably, her grundmothcr __________ ?

A. worked tn the college C. lived in London

29. Iler frirnd9? brother recommended her to __________ ,

A. >tudy (or her MBA C work (or his camp?ny

30. Mnry would return to Europe io __________ ?

A. utudy Ct work

第五册分HI傅(共计25分.每小Ji 5分)

31-35 fl:英燎汉.椅下列英文句THW成中文,并将答案写在答S8侬上?

31. 1 should hnvc put I he bag nt heme

32. I can*I find the key. I munt have left h m the cur. 33. I camr to London when I wnn 34. They wnlkcd slowly alof)K the rand. 35. I'm in A inectinK until L 00>

Jipcnd her holiday H. study in the college B, tludird EngHsih Literature B* m American B? the USA

试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考)



