We should pay much attention to the good teacher.(我们应该给这个好老师以足够的注意力)
这个句子固然不错,但是,若在一篇文章中都是这类平铺直叙的句式结构,就显得单调乏味,令人枯燥了。我们应当学会一种意思,多种表达,在写作中运用多种句式结构,就会给读者或评分者不一样的感觉。句式变换的方式多种多样,本文通过例句着重说明如何使定语从句与被动语态达到完美结合。 首先,我们来看看本句变为被动语态的情况:
(1)Much attention should be paid to the good teacher(by us).足够的注意力要给予这个好老师。
(2)The good teacher should be paid much attention to(by us).这个好老师应该被给以足够的注意力。
这样就使句子有了主次,有了要重点表达的内容。例句(1)强调的是much attention,而例句(2)中,则强调的是the good teacher。
(3)The attention (that/which) we should pay to the good teacher is much.我们该给这个好老师的注意力是很多的。 (4)The teacher (that/who/whom) we should pay much
attention to is good.我们该给以足够注意力的老师是很好的。 例句(3)中,我们把much attention拆分开来,形成一个主句The attention is much,又通过对attention加上一个定语从句,即(that /which) we should pay to the good teacher,从而达到了对attention的进一步修饰限定。由于关系代词that/which在从句中做介词to的宾语,因此还可以省略。 同样,在例句(4)中,通过对the good teacher的拆分,形成一个主句The teacher is good,再给the teacher加上一个定语从句we should pay much attention to,由于关系代词
that/who/whom在从句中做介词to的宾语,因此也可以省略。 最后,我们再看看把定语从句变为被动形式的情况: (5)The attention that/which should be paid to the good teacher(by us) is much.应该被给予这个好老师的注意力是很多的。
(6)The teacher that/who should be paid much attention to(by us) is good.被给予很多注意力的老师是很好的。 通过把例句(3)、(4)中的定语从句由原来的主动语态变为被动语态,就形成了(5)、(6)两个例句,由于关系代词在从句中都做了主语,因此也不可省略。在这两个例句中,同时体现了定语从句与被动语态两种形式,也使定语从句与被动语态达到了一种完美的结合。这样的句式变化会使同学们更好地了解英语语言的优美与变化的多样性,从而会更好、更自如地应
下面请同学们仿照上面的例句试着变化下列句子: We should make good use of the valuable time.我们要好好地利用珍贵的时间。 首先,变为被动语态: (1)Good use . (2)Valuable time. 其次,加入定语从句: (3)The useis good. (4)The timeis valuable.
最后,把定语从句变为被动形式: (5)The useis good. (6)The timeis valuable. 参考答案
(1)Good use should be made of the valuable time (by us). (2)The valuable time should be made good use of (by us). (3)The use (that /which) we should make of the valuable time is good.
(4)The time (that/which)we should make good use of is valuable.
(5)The use that/which should be made of the valuable time (by us) is good.
(6)The time that/which should be made good use of (by us) is valuable.
责任编校 蒋小青