DTA Characters of Biotites of Different Genetic Types and Their Implications
DTA Characters of Biotites of Different Genetic
Types and Their Implications
【期刊名称】《中国地球化学学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】1990(009)002
【摘要】A new method is proposed to determine the genetic types of granites.Based on detailed DTA measurements on biotite in granites from south China and the Sanjiang area,characteristic thermal properties are presented for biotites of different origins.Mechanisms are discussed for the differences in thermal behavior of biotite in terms of chemical composition,crystal structure,ordering and polytypism.These characteristic thermal parameters of biotite can be used to shed light on granie genesis with the advantages of rapidness ,simplicity and economy.
【关键词】黑云母;DTA特征;晶体结构;花岗岩;三江地区;化学组成 【作者】陈国玺
【作者单位】InstituteofGeochemistry,AcademiaSinica 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】P578.959 【相关文献】
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DTA Characters of Biotites of Different Genetic Types and Their Implications