该题型在每年的考研英语真题中考查并不多,通常是一题或两题。但是其解题思路有着固定的规律可循,还是比较容易得分的题目。首先猜词题的题干是很容易识别的,要求猜测的单词或句子会用引号标出,而且会在原文划线标识出。比如:The word gizmos (Line 1, Paragraph 2) most probably means ___. By saying Stratford cries poor traditionally , the author implies that___.下面以真题为例解读一下猜词的过程。
As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot-drivers.
题干:The word gizmos most probably means ________.
[A] programs [B] experts [C] devices [D] creatures
解析:题目要求猜测首句中 gizmos 的含义,根据首句中的定语从句whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor.可以得知,这种东西的存在很少被注意到,但是它们却减少了很多的人类劳动。根据这个特点还不足以判断出是什么东西。所以继续顺延看下文,出现了三个举例:Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. 我们的工厂里轰鸣着机器人组装臂的声音;Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction.我们的银行业务也是被自动出纳终端完成;Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot-drivers.地铁由不知疲倦的机器人驾驶员操作。由这些举例可以总结出,这类东西应该是机器设备。所以答案选择[C] devices设备装置。其他选项[A] programs程序[B] experts专家[D] creatures生物,都不具备机器的含义,可以完全排除。
2018考研英语阅读解题思路:猜词题 - 毙考题