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【高考专题】2020年高考英语 专题复习 单项填空-情态动词(50题)二(含答案)

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2020年高考英语 专题复习 单项填空-情态动词(50题)


1.--- Mike, since you don’t like to see the film with us, you ____ as well watch TV

at home.

--- OK, Mum.

A. can B. will C. might D. must 2.There was plenty of time. We _____.

A. mustn’t have hurried B.couldn’t have hurried C. mustn’t hurry D.needn’t have hurried

3.Don’t worry. I will keep my word and you _______ be given the help you need.

A. can B. could C. might D. shall 4.---I ________ myself more---it was a perfect day.

---Me, too. It’s years ________ I enjoyed myself so much.

A.couldn’t have enjoyed; since B.needn’t have enjoyed; since C.wouldn’t have enjoyed; before D.shouldn’t have enjoyed; before

5.Black holes _____ not be seen directly, so determining the number of them is a tough


A. can B. should C. must D. need 6.The doctor recommended that you _______ swim after eating a large meal.

A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 7.---- Can I go now, sir?

---- If you ________ leave, do it quietly.

A. should B. must C. shall D. may

8.If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, he able to speak

it much better now.

A. will be B. would be C. has been D. would have been 9.If I _____ fall in and can’t come for work, please find someone to cover for me.

A. must B. will C. should D. may 10.— How shall we go to Pudong International Airport?

— By subway! Trying to call a taxi in such rush hours ________spell a frustration. A. should B. will C. can D. has to

11.The traffic is heavy these days. I ______ arrive a bit late, so could you save me

a seat?

A. can B. must C. need D. might 12.I was concerned about you. Look, such a lighting up of your face! I ______.

A. should have worried B. didn’t need to worry C. could have worried D. needn’t have worried

13._______ every one of you succeed in passing the mid-term examination.

A. May B. Could C. Might D. Would

14.This basketball team had lots of excellent players, so its fans had never expected

that it ________ have failed in the final.

A. would B. might C. should D. could 15.—Did you have trouble finding the city library?

—Not really. Mr Li had given us good directions and we ________find it. A.dared B.would C.could D.were able to

16.When we were young, every evening my brother and I ______ stay at home waiting for

our mother.

A. might B. would C. should D. could 17.— What does the sign over there say?

— No person ______ enter the area without the official permission. A. Shall B. may C. must D. will

18.Mark _____ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.

A needn't B wouldn't C mustn't D couldn't 19.---- ___ she come to see you today?

---- Of course, please. And I’d rather she _____ me the truth.

A.will; informed B.Can; inform C. Shall; told D. Should; will tell 20.If it hadn’t rained so hard last night, it ________ so cold today.

A. wouldn’t be B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t have been D. weren’t 21.---What qualities does a person need to become a teacher?

---In my opinion, a teacher _______ be knowledgeable, patient, and passionate. A. can B. would C. may D. should

22.Part of the highway would still be temporarily closed ________ the heavy fog continue.

A. might B. could C. would D. should 23.— Hey, the washing up has been done!

— That ______ Cynthia, She’s always helpful. A. need have been B. could have been C. should have been D. must have been

24.-- Why don't we save ourselves the trouble and use the stairs, Steven?

-- Come on! Man invented the lift so that we don’t have to act like cavemen.

-- Ok, Steven, if you ______ insist on being lazy.

A. can B. should C. shall D. must 25.We shall hardly please everyone, nor is it necessary that we _______.

A. need B. should C. can D. may

26.It has been announced recently that all the schools________ not have the students

attend school if the students have high temperatures.

A.need B.shall C.could D.ought to

27.Smiles around the world _______ be false, ________ other feelings like anger, fear

or worry.

A. must; hide B. must; hiding C. can; hide D. can; hiding 28.—What do you think of Betty?

— Lovely, though she ______ be naughty sometimes. A. should B. must C. can D. need 29.The room is in a terrible mess; it _____have been cleaned.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. wouldn’t 30.The life of a high school student is usually active, exciting and full of fun, but

it ______ be stressful sometimes.

A. can B. must C. need D. should

31.--What a pity! George ____well quit the trip to Hangzhou. --Let me phone him for

the final decision.

A. can B. must C.shall D. may

32.Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ______ easily reach the books on the top shelf.

A. must B. should C. can D. need 33.— I promise her daughter ____ get a nice present on her birthday.

— Will it be a big surprise to her?

A. should B. must C. would D. shall

34.—Hey, ______ the boy with a blue backpack come over here? We need another hand with

this table.

—Me? Oh, sorry, but I’ve got an injury in my leg.

A. shall B. would C. should D. must 35.—Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?

—It ______ be Father, but I’m not sure.

A. can; must B. can; may C. must; can D. may; must 36.— What do you think of the present economic situation?

— When big firms reduce their expenses, we ______ know that times are really hard. A. shall B. could C. must D. need 37.- I have taken someone else's coat by mistake.

-It be Joan's. I heard that she lost her coat just now. A. could B. would C. need D. shall

38.-----Good morning. I have got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel


------Ah, good morning. You ________ be Mrs. Peters.

A. might B. must C. would D. can

39.It is generally cold and dry here in autumn, but sometimes, it ________ also be warm

and rainy.

A. may B. should C. must D. can 40.---I regret to say that I fail to rank first in the terminal exam.

----Come on, nobody _____ win all the time.

A. should B. must C. can D. shall 41.—I don’t care what people think. —Well, you _______

A. could B. would C. should D. might

42.Her brother ______ be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the

stadium just now.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t

43.In Chengdu in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, a pet shop owner ____ satisfy

demand among the country’s new middle class who want the cute dogs as pets.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. may not 44.We shall hardly please everyone, nor is it necessary that we ________.

A.need B.should C.can D.may

45.It’s nearly eight o’clock.I must hang up and get down to work.My boss be

here at any moment.

A. should B.must C.could D.would

46.Had he spent more time practicing speaking English before, he _______ able to speak

it much better now.

A.will be B.would be C.has been D.would have been 47.—Real Madrid is sure to win the match !

—It’s hard to say.You know, anything ________ happen even in the last minute.

A. need B. must C. should D. can 48.--Where are my new sneakers? Have you seen them?

--How __________ I know? I’m your sister, not your servant. A. shall B. should C. will D. might

49.Just be patient. You expect the world to change so soon.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. will not

50.You can’t imagine such a well-behaved gentleman _______be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

【高考专题】2020年高考英语 专题复习 单项填空-情态动词(50题)二(含答案)


