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Will widen the social circle and give opportunity to make more friends. Won’t feel obligated to keep a long-term relationship.

4. Both men and women can pay for a date.

Both men and women can take the initiative.

People are free to choose a casual or formal date.

5. Behave with respect for each other.

Be honest with each other.

Be considerate and helpful to each other.

Language focus

Words in use


1. conveying

2. Forged

3. Thriving

4. Abnormal

5. frowning

6. thrilled

7. Reckoned

8. Clarified

9. Conquer 10. concealing Expressions in use


1.make contact with

2. took the initiative

3. are inclined to

4. thrive on

5. indifferent to

6. whip out

7. in the pit of her stomach

8. chip in

Sentence structure


1. With online learning, there is less study in a regular classroom and more time to spend by yourself.

2. With regular exercise, you’ll have less mental stress and more physical strength.

3. With the new highway, there is less traffic and more comfort for drivers on the road.


1. Ambitious as he is, he has never been able to accomplish his goal and make his parents feel proud of him

2. Embarrassed as they were, they remained positive throughout their travels and learned from the mistakes they made along the way.

3. Hard as she tried, Jane failed to introduce her father to the joys of rock music.



1. casual attraction

2. healthy friendship

3. romantic relationship

4. dynamic personality

5. mature love

6. mutual friends


1. college sweetheart

2. take the initiative

3. romantic relationship

4. steady boyfriend

5. casual attraction

6. fairy-tale romance

7. exceedingly embarrassed 8. madly in love

9. healthy friendship 10. traditional upbringing

11. mature love 12. mutual friends

Unit5 The money game

Text A Spend or save-The student’s dilemma


1. contradict

2. paradox

3. perspective

4. explicit

5. suspended

6. derive

7. defy 8. retains 9. manipulating

10. tackle



browse browser

message messenger

consumer consume


negotiate negotiation

object objection

react reaction

constitute constitution

cultivate cultivation

define definition

expand expansion

concentration concentrate



