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最新中职英语基础模块第一单元练习题Test of Unit 1

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一、 听写(0.5’*58’=29’)

二、 短语(0.5’*42=21’)

1.搭载,开车接 3.用手,以手工 5.渤海湾 7.名胜 9.等等 11.秦朝 13.嘉峪关 15.老龙口 17.第一次 19. 位于,坐落于 21. 秦始皇 23.迫使某人做某事 25. 被迫做… 27. 成百上千的 29.数以百万计的 31.人们希望… Test of Unit One

33 战国时期 34.因…而著名 35. 足够做… 36.成千上万的 37.红绿灯 38.被用来做… 39.发出报警信号 40.古代中国人民 41.世界文化遗产 42.长城

三、 将下列句子改为被动语态(1’*15=15’) 1. People play football all over the world.

2. The workers are building a road.

3. Mother gave me the present.

4. My father will repair my bike for me.

5. Li ping himself invented the machine.

6. I have found my wallet.


7. She told me to wait here for her 4.在恶劣的条件下

6.如…那样的,比如 8. The little boy broke the vase. 8.天安门广场

10.故宫博物院 9. They invited Mr. Green to make a speech. 12.山海关

14.天下第一关 10. You mustn’t take those books out of the reading room. 16.出差


11. Do people speak English in your country? 20. 保护…以防…

22.使…被… 12. The officer made the soldier stand against the wall for three hours. 24.据说…

26.做某事花费某人多长时间 13. They are serving breakfast between six and nine o’clock. 28. 数亿万计的

30. 被列为…,被登录在… 14. Mother often tells her children a story at bed time. 32. 据信…



15. A writer wrote the poem.

四、 翻译句子(1’*10=10’) 1. 上周我们找人维修房子了

2. 我的大衣很脏, 我必须得找人洗一洗。

3. 写英语作业花了我两个小时的时间。

4. 长城位于中国的北部。

5. 据说大约100万人,相当于当时中国人口的五分之一被迫去修建长城。

6. 在公园前221年,秦始皇统一了中国并决定把这些城墙都连接起来加以延长。

7. 人们在非常恶劣的条件下用了十年的时间修造了长城。

8. 每年都有成千上万来自世界各地的游客来参观长城。

9. 长城的修建最初始于战国时期。

10. 它从渤海湾岸边的山海关,延伸到甘肃省的嘉峪关。

五、 用所给词的正确形式填空(1’*15=15’) rebuild engineer guide brief protect unify extend carry condition amount total smoke excite interest seem 1. I want to go on with my work under proper ___________. 2. The young man was __________ a box on his shoulder.

3. The country was made up of several small states and was ___________ recently. 4. There was large __________ of damage in the accident. 5. What is the ___________ cost of these books? 6. There’s no ________ without fire. 7. I want to read the booklet of __________ introduction to the Forbidden City. 8. A man who builds roads and bridges is called a civil_____________. 9. It ___________ that we will be late for our flight. 10. Some houses are being __________ by the workers.

11. You should wear a pair of dark glasses to ____________ your eyes from the sun. 12. We need a ________ to show us the way to the city.

13. This road __________ from the center of the city to the highway. 14. They were ___________ at hearing the good news.

15. My younger brother has lost his ___________ in English.

六、 将括号内的汉语译成英语,完成下列各句(1’*10=10’)

1. ______________(据说) that he will be sent to send to study abroad next month.

2. They want to _______ the houses ___________(找人修理房子) 3. Our house ___________(坐落于) at the foot of the mountain.

4. I will ___________(开车接你). Please wait for me at the school gate. 5. The small town _________________(因…而闻名) the old tower.

6. We went to Beijing last year and visited many _______________( 名胜) 7. The teacher asked us to do ____________(大量的) homework. 8. The path _____________(通向) the forest.

9. The old man is interested in handwriting, music, arts______________(等等) 10. Please give them a ________________(简介) because they know nothing about it.

七、 阅读理解(2’*5=10’)

A few years ago, there were no McDonald’s, no Kentucky Fried Chickens, no Wendy’s. But now American fast-food stores are springing up in Taipei. McDonald’s took the lead. It was followed by Kentucky Fried Chicken. And then Pizza Hut. Nobody knows what other fast-food companies may yet set up shops in Taiwan in the future.

The rapid growth of American fast-food is due not only to the American way of salesmanship, in a great measure, but to the fondness of the local people for this kind of American fast-food. Young people especially take to it. They think it fashionable to eat American fast-food. Besides , some people think it delicious. Although fast-food is highly priced, the stores are often crowed.

The example of American fast-food restaurant also has some healthy effects upon



local food providers. They begin to look at themselves and find out what they lack. At least, some of the local restaurants are starting to modernize themselves. ( )1.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. American fast-food is highly priced, so people in Taiwan refuse to buy it. B. Expensive though American fast-food is, people in Taiwan like it very much.

C. Though people in Taiwan don’t like American fast-food, they think it fashionable

to eat it

D. The local food providers in Taiwan pay no attention to American fast-food. ( )2.The underlined phrase “ take to it” in Paragraph 2 means “_____”

A refuse B. eat C. buy D. like

( )3. Which was the second American fast-food store to appear in Taipei.

A. Kentucky Fried Chicken B. Wendy’s C. McDonald’s D. Pizza Hut ( )4.The example of American fast-food restaurants________

A. doesn’t do any good to the local restaurants

B. has only a bad influence on the food providers in Taiwan C. makes the people in Taiwan disappointed

D. makes the local restaurants try to improve themselves.

( )5. What may be the reason for the quick growth of American fast-food.

A. The low prices and the fondness of young people for it

B. The good salesmanship and the face that many people like it C. The Chinese people , perhaps, have a lot of money

D. There are quite a few American fast-food stores in Taipei and some other companies will set up their shops in the future.

八、 写作


1.通过“比一比”的活动,掌握比较万以内数大小的比较方法,能够用符号表示万以内数的大小。 2.熟练进行数的大小比较。

教学重难点:理解并掌握三位数和四位数的比较方法 教具准备:教学课件。 教学设计: 一、创设情境

你喜欢去爬山吗?我们的祖国风景优美,物产丰富。名山大川更是让人心驰神往。现在正是春游的季节,让老师带同学们去参观一下祖国的名山吧!在领略美丽风光的同时学到一些数学知识,好吗?(出示情景图)。 二、探究新知

1. 四位数与三位数的比较




明志小学 张晓宁








最新中职英语基础模块第一单元练习题Test of Unit 1


