[三只小猪英语故事简短] 三只小猪故事简短100字
《三只小猪》是一个着名的英国童话,讲述了三只小猪在长大后,学好了本领,各自盖了不同的房子,却遭遇大灰狼的故事。小编分享三只小猪简短英语故事,希望可以帮助大家! 三只小猪简短英语故事版本1
There are three little pigs. They live in a small house with their mother. “This house is too small. The three of you must leave home. You must build your own homes,” says the mother pig one day.
The first little pig gets some hay. “I will build a house of hay,” he says. “It will not be hard. My house will be easy to make. Then, I will go play.”
第一只小猪拿了些干草来。“我要盖一间草屋,”他说。“这工作不难。我的屋子很容易盖。盖好后,我就可以去玩耍了。” ”I will use sticks to make a house,” says the second little pig. “It will be easy. Then, I will go play with my brother.” The second little pig quickly builds his home. He goes outside to play.
” I will build my houseof bricks. It will take a long time,” says the third little pig. He builds his house. It is hard work, but the house is strong.
“我的屋子要用砖头来盖。这要花上很长的时间,”第三只小猪说。他便盖起屋子,这工作不轻松,不过屋子却挺牢固的。 One day, the three little pigs see some footprints. They are the big bad wolf’s footprints. The little pigs run to their homes. They are afraid of the big bad wolf. He eats little pigs.
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig’s house. The house is made of hay. “Little pig, little pig, let me come in!” says the wolf. 三只小猪简短英语故事版本2
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who went off to build their houses。
The first little pig built his house out of straw, which was not very strong。
第一只小猪用稻草建了自己的房子,但是不是特别结实。 The Three Little PigsThe Three Little Pigs
One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
有一天,大灰狼来了,对小猪说:“小猪,小猪,快让我进去!” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the first little pig。
“不,不,我连一根毛都不会让你抓到的!”第一只小猪说。 “Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
“那我就会非常生气,我要吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!小猪!” And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the first pig‘s house down。
The second little pig built his house out of sticks, which were also not very strong。
第二只小猪用树枝建了一个房子,但这个房子也不是很结实。 One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
有一天,大灰狼来了,他对小猪说:“小猪,小猪,快让我进去!” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the second little pig。
“不,我连一根毛都不会让你抓到的!”第二只小猪说。 “Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
“那我就会非常生气,我要吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!小猪!” And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the second pig‘s house down。
The third little pig built his house out of bricks, which were very strong。
One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
有一天,大灰狼来了,他对小猪说:“小猪,小猪,快让我进去!” “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the third little pig。
“不,我连一根毛都不会让你抓到的!”第三只小猪说。 “Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
“那我就会非常生气,我要吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!小猪!” But no matter how much the wolf huffed and puffed, the house did not blow down。