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摘要:从审稿人角度看SCI和EI的文章的写作与投稿技巧 作为投稿的作者,知道或者了解该期刊对审稿人的审稿要求很重要,只有了解期刊对审稿人的审稿要求,你才知道自己的文章是否合适投稿到或者发表到该期刊,(Use scale of 1-10. 1 = Poor, 5 = Marginal,8 = Good, 10 - Exceptional ) General Commentary:,authorfabricated a new ...The machine is operated with solar energy.由于现在缩略语越来越多,要注意区分a和an,如an X ray. 数词

从审稿人角度看SCI和EI的文章的写作与投稿技巧 作为投稿的作者,知道或者了解该期刊对审稿人的审稿要求很重要,只有了解期刊对审稿人的审稿要求,你才知道自己的文章是否合适投稿到或者发表到该期刊。当然,每个期刊的审稿要求或许不一样,而且每个审稿人审稿时把握的尺寸或者审稿重点也许不一样,但是,作为严谨的学术论文发表,大多期刊对学术论文都有起码的要求,这个要求就体现在期刊如何要求审稿人审稿的或者说对投稿稿件的要求。下面就举几个期刊对审稿的要求(这些期刊对稿件的要求)。

IEEE Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters要求审稿人从下面几个因素考虑文章: In particular, the review form will rapidly allow you to provide feedback on the items of interest: Quality and significance of the Article; Clarity of Presentation; Suitability for Letters ;

Clarity of Figures and Tables (Is color essential?) ; Understandable to Non-Specialists? ; Does Material Need to Be Added or Deleted? Recommendation;

Do You Want to See the Revised Manuscript?

IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies审稿要求: Paper Quality :

Originality of the Work :


Significance of the Work :

Completeness of the Report Work: Reference of the Work of Others : Organization of the Manuscript:

Clarity in Writing, Tables, Graphs and Figures : 每项有五个等级:Poor Marginal Acceptable Good Prize

Microelectronic engineering期刊的审稿方式是打分,没有具体到各项,最后有个总评(General Commentary):

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accept without modification:

Request modifications:(Complete Sections B and C of report form) Reject :(Complete Section D of report form)


Judgement of Paper: (Use scale of 1-10. 1 = Poor, 5 = Marginal,8 = Good, 10 - Exceptional ) General Commentary:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 在网上可以搜到的一些审稿要求,比如APL的: RECOMMENDATION: Paper Interesting: Original Paper: Sufficient Physics: Well Organized and Clear:


Free From Errors: Conclusions Supported: Appropriate Title: Good Abstract: Satisfactory English: Adequate References: Clear Figures: OVERALL RATING: JAP期刊对稿件的要求:

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS: Reviewer Evaluations: RECOMMENDATION: Paper Interesting: Good Use of Space: Sufficient Physics: Well Organized: Clearly Written: Spelling: Good Title: Good Abstract: Adequate References:




