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An empirical study of everyday life information seeking behavior of urban low-income resid

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An empirical study of everyday life information seeking behavior of urban low-income residents in

the Haizhu District of Guangzhou, China

Yongying XIAO;Lanman HE

【期刊名称】《中国文献情报(英文刊)》 【年(卷),期】2011(004)002

【摘要】This paper reports an investigation on everyday life information seeking behavior of urban low-income group in the Haizhu District of Guangzhou City.Empirical data were collected via in-depth interviews with low-income urban residents and were analyzed using qualitative methods.This paper discusses the research findings based on the more noticeable results of information seeking behavior among these people.Our approach touches on a focused study of such issues as what the role of information seeking in their everyday life is,what information they care about,which information channels they prefer to use,which factors influence their information seeking behavior,how difficult it is to seek the information they need,and how they use public libraries.Based on our research findings,we propose that public libraries should provide customized information services for urban low-income residents according to the unique characteristics of their information seeking behavior in everyday life. 【总页数】17页(60-76)

An empirical study of everyday life information seeking behavior of urban low-income resid


