- Soil held in place by plant roots is less likely to blow or wash away than bare soil. CF: bare, naked & nude
bare 指裸露的,含有无衣服、无保护或无装饰之意。例如: - It’s cold outside, but he went out with his head bare. (=外面很冷,但他还是光着头出去了。) - The hills were bare of vegetation. (=小山上一点花草树木都没有。)
naked 指没有通常所应有的遮盖物。例如: - This mad man always walked around naked. (=这位精神病患者经常光着身子到处跑。)
- The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity. (=这谬论的荒诞无稽已经赤裸裸地袒露了出来。)
nude 主要指人体裸露,也可指房间无装饰或光秃秃的。例如: - This model is posing in the nude for an artist. (=模特赤裸着身体,为艺术家摆好姿势。) - He is living in a single nude room. (=他住在一间光秃秃的单人房里。)
dreary: adj. dull; gloomy; causing low spirits - Addressing envelopes all the time is dreary work. - 外贸前景暗淡。
(=Foreign trade prospects are dreary.)
in a whisper: in a low voice
- He bent down and addressed her in a whisper. - She said it in a whisper, so I couldn’t hear.
nonsense: n. foolish talk, ideas, behavior
- Currently, the Web contains everything from nonsense to up-to-the-minute news about the US presidency or US stock quotes from Wall Street. - 我从来没有听说过这种蠢话。 (=I have never heard such nonsense!)
turn loose: allow (sth.) to be free of control - He turned the horse loose in the field.
- The World Bank makes grants to developing countries but it doesn’t just turn the money loose.
look the part: have an appearance for a particular job, role, or position - If he wasn’t actually a thief he certainly looked the part. - Despite looking the part, Michael was not an artist at all.
masterpiece: n. a piece of work, esp. art, which is the best of its type or the best a person has done
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered Mark Twain’s masterpiece. - 第九交响曲是贝多芬最杰出的作品。
(=The Ninth Symphony was Beethoven’s masterpiece.)
to excess: to an extreme degree
- His father never smoked or drank to excess. - Don’t carry your grief to excess. Pattern: in excess of 超过
- Never spend in excess of your income.
for the rest: as regards other matters
- The working conditions in my new job are excellent, but for the rest, I am not impressed.
- 在其他方面,我再也没有注意到什么了。
(=For the rest, I could not notice anything more.) Collocation: as to the rest
and all the rest of it 以及其他等等
- He is young and handsome and well-educated and all the rest of it.
fierce: adj.
1. violent and angry - a fierce looking man
- It was estimated that the fierce storm killed at least several thousand people and left more than one million without homes. 2. intense; strong
- While Apple enjoyed brighter sales, competitors in the IBM PC world fought a fierce battle for market share.
- 由于失业人数众多,寻找工作的竞争十分激烈。
(=Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.) mock:
1. v. ridicule; make fun of Pattern: mock (at) sb./sth.
- He made all the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke and walked.
- The student did his best, and the teacher was wrong to mock at his effort. 2. adj. not real or true; like (in appearance, taste, etc.) something real - The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.
- Before each debate, he is expected to engage in mock debate. fancy:
1. n.
1) sth. imagined; unfounded opinion or belief - Children usually have a lively fancy.
- I think he will come, but it’s only a fancy of mine. 2) liking formed without the help of reason - I have taken a fancy to that silly hat. - 她停下来细看那件引起她兴趣的展览品。
(=She stopped to examine the exhibit that struck her fancy.) 2. vt.
1) form a picture of; imagine
- Fancy her having a fool like that for a husband! - Can you fancy yourself on the moon? 2) have a liking for; wish for - I fancy something sweet to eat.
- I had a suspicion that they fancied each other. 3. vi. form a picture of sth.; imagine - 想象一下! (=Just fancy!)
4. adj. ornamental or brightly colored; not ordinary - fancy cakes
- That pattern is too fancy for me.