Former Vice President Dick Cheney came clean in an interview to CBS' \Minutes,\in 2007, he had his doctors disable its wireless capabilities to prevent against a
possible assassination attempt.
The agency said in a statement
that there was no cause for alarm for the nearly 3 million Americans with pacemakers..
Cyber Attacks and Security
●FBI Warns Health Care Sector Is More Vulnerable to Cyber attacks●AnthemCyberAttack: 80MillionPersonalRecordsBurglarized,2015.2.4●Cyberattack exposes data of 11 million Premera Blue Cross members 2015.3.18
●Breaches Affecting 500 or More Individuals(10/21/2009,1562)https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/breach/breach_report.jsf●《在信息技术深入广泛应用环境下医疗卫生数据安全的政策研究》●《医疗机构临床数据安全管控框架研究》
Rise of Data Analytics Heightens
Need for PHI Security
2013 significantly changed the context of the healthcare security and privacy conversation. From the Snowden NSA revelations, to HIPAA Omnibus rule, changes in breach characteristics, to connected devices, mhealth, IoT and
increasing use of cloud and corporate BYOD policies, one thing is clear: security by obscurity equals no security at all. The burden of protecting PHI is now spread across all data holders, patients, providers and payers alike. Outlined below are some of the unique security issues that will need addressing as healthcare technology moves into a data analytics mindset.
Breach Characteristics: More than7 million patient records were exposed in 2013alone, marking a perceived 138% increase from reported 2012 healthcare data breaches.
Federal Laws,Regulations and Policies
in USA
The Computer Security Act of 1987 (PL 100-235)The Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579)
The Freedom of Information Act (PL 90-23)
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (PL 99-474)The Copyright Act of 1976 (PL 94-553)OMB Circular A-130, Appendix III, Revised
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (PL 104-191)Presidential Decision Directive 63 –Critical Infrastructure Protection