Period 4
Teaching contents:
Words:sun moom stars Review:morning/noon/afternoon/evening Good morning/afternoon/evening! Teaching targets:
1.能熟练朗读单词sun,moon,stars. 2.进一步巩固单词
morning/afternoon/noon/evening! Teaching difficulties: 中u的发音 和noon的区分 Teaching tools: 简笔画,picture Teaching steps:
Step 1:Greetings & Revision i)Greeting T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up.
T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,***. T:Sit down,please. Ss:Thank you. ii)Revision
T:Look at these you read it
review:Kitty Doggie baby Step 2:Presentation
1)T:Look at this point S answer
review:morning noon afternoon evening 早上好:Good morning 下午好:Good afternoon 晚上好:Good evening
2)T:In this picture,the sun rises in the morning. teach:sun
(齐读)(跟读)(指名读)(开火车)(齐读) Chant:sun sun是太阳
T:In the evening,the moon rises. teach:moon
(齐读)(跟读)(指名读)(开火车)(小组读)(齐读) *注意区分moon和noon之间的发音
T:根据sun的儿歌,你能不能把moon的儿歌尝试着来编一编.(指名尝试) Chant:moom,moon是月亮
T:晚上天上除了有月亮之外,还有很多一眨一眨的小眼睛。你们知道是什么啊 S:星星
T:在英语中,我们叫stars teach:star/stars
(初步接触单复数,不要求掌握概念,只要知道怎样说即可) 一颗星:a star 许多星星:stars
T:谁来编编星星的儿歌呢 (指名读)
Chant:stars,stars,是星星 Step 3:Consolidation
1)T:draw S:say English 2)T:say English S:draw
3)T:Chinese S:English 4)T:English S:Chinese 5)Chant:sun,sun是太阳 moon,moon是月亮 stars,stars是星星 Step 4:Summarize
T:T:What did you learn today(今天你学到了什么) 生自由说 师小结
Homework: Review the words:
sun moon stars
WB: Unit 1 Greeting
sun moon stars
Period 5
Teaching contents:
song:Good morning to you. Teaching targets:
能熟练表演唱歌曲Good morning to you. Teaching difficulties: dear的发音 Teaching tools: tape-recorder Teaching steps: Step 1:Greetings T:Class begins! S:Stand up!
T:Good morning,boys and girls. S:Goodmorning,***. Review:Hello! Hi! Step 2:Revision
1)T:Show the pictures S:Read in EnglishKitty baby Doggie morning noon afternoon eveningsun moon stars 2)sentences Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Step 3:Presentation
1)T:Today we'll learn a you like singing (今天我们将学习一首歌曲,你们喜欢唱歌吗) The name of the song is \
2)Let's learn it one by the notes read follow teacher 3)teach:dear teacher 4)sing follow teacher step 4:Consolidation 1)sing with the tape 2)sing together 3)boys & girls 4)groups Step 5:Summarize
T:What did you learn today(今天你学到了什么) 生自由说 师小结
Sing the song:Good morning to you WB:
Unit 1 Greeting Good morning to you, Good morning to you,
Good morning to you,dear teacher. Good morning to you.