DAY 1 关于-sist 有“站立”的意思(-sist = stand)
persist [p?'sist] vi. 坚持,持续 (per- 贯穿,从头到尾 →“坚持站立”) insist [in'sist] vt. 坚持(in- 加强意义 →“坚定站立”) assist [?'sist] vt. 帮助(as- 表示 at →“立在一旁”)
consist [k?n'sist] vi. 由…组成(con- 表示共同 →“立在一起”)搭配 ~ of… resist [ri'zist] vt. & vi 抵抗,阻挡(re- 表示 against →“to stand against”) exist [ig'zist] vi. 存在(ex- 表示往外 →“往外站立”)
assistance [?'sist?ns] n. 援助,帮助 assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手,助理;adj. 辅助的 consistent [k?n'sist?nt] adj. 始终如一的,一致的 resistance [ri'zist?ns] n. 阻力,电阻,抵抗 resistant [ri'zist?nt] adj. 抵抗的 existence [ig'zist?ns] n. 存在;生存
1. He asked us to them in carrying through their plan. (A) provide (B) arouse (C) assist (D) persist 2. A series of border incidents would lead the two countries to war. (A) inevitably (B) consistently (C) uniformly (D) persistently 3. What you say now is not with what you said last week. (A) consistent (B) persistent (C) permanent (D) insistent 4. 英译中:
(1) Good habits result from resisting temptation.
(2) Johnson’s persistence and knowledge paved the way for his success as an independent inventor.
(3) A water molecule consists of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. 5. 中译英:
1. 答案:C。
题干大意:他要求我们去 他们执行计划。填:帮助。 provide v. 提供;arouse vi. 引起,唤起。
2. 答案:A。
题干大意:一系列的边境事件将会 导致两个国家发生战争。填:不可避免。 inevitably adv. 不可避免地;uniformly adv. 一致地。
3. 答案:A
题干大意:你现在说的和你上周说的不 permanent adj. 永久的,永恒的
。填:一致 4. 答案:
(1) 好的习惯源于抵制诱惑。 注:该句子为 2013 年 6 月的六级作文题,要求考生根据这句引言写一篇文章。当年很 多考生却由于看不懂题目而倒下。
(2) 约翰的坚持和知识为他作为一个独立发明家铺平了道路。 pave the way 铺路 independent adj. 独立的
(3) 一个水分子包含着一个氧原子和两个氢原子。
5. The habitat destruction greatly threatens the existence of many wild animals.
Day 2 关于-spect 有“看”的意思(-spect = look) aspect ['?spekt] n. 方面;外貌(a- 表示 to → “去看”) respect [ri'spekt] n. 方面,尊重;vt. 尊重(re- 表示 again → “重复地看”) inspect [in'spekt] vt. 检查,检阅(in- 表示在内部 → “往里看”) expect [ik'spekt] vt. & vi. 期待,期望(ex- 表示往外 → “往外看”) suspect ['s?spekt] n. 嫌疑犯;[s?'spekt] vt. 怀疑(sus- 表示下 → “往下看”) prospect ['pr?spekt] n. 前途;预期(pro- 表示往前 → “往前看”) retrospect ['retr?spekt] n. 回顾,追溯(retro- 表示往后 → “往后看”) perspective [p?'spektiv] n. 观点;透视图(per- 贯穿透过 → “穿透看”)
spectator spectacle speculate spectacular [spek'teit?] ['spekt?k?l] ['spekjuleit] ['spet?kjul?] n. 观众
n. 场面;奇观;(复)眼镜 vi. 推断,猜测 adj. 壮观的,惊人的
1. Whereas sudden great disasters are instantaneous, others, such as droughts, are . (A) cumulative (B) formidable (C) eternal (D) prospective
2. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the of lessons. (A) investigation (B) observation (C) inspection (D) observance 3. The audience waited in silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.