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B、such C、the D、each 正确答案:

第30题,A: I saw Tom just now at the café B:It ( )be him. He went to U.S.A. yesterday. A、mustn't B、can't C、shouldn't 正确答案:

第31题,A: Would you like to come to ( )shop one day? B: Yes, I'd love to. Thank you. A、myself B、me C、my 正确答案:

第32题,I couldn’t understand why he pretended ____ in the bookstore. A、to see me not B、not to see me C、not see me D、did not see me 正确答案:

第33题,I go swimming on ( ) Thursdays for two hours. A、/ B、a C、an 正确答案:

第34题,____ Tuesday evening at eight, Major Joyee will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on “My Experience in China”. A、In B、At C、Of D、On 正确答案:


第35题,Don’t worry. We have enough time to finish ____ the food and drinks before the guests arrive. A、setting aside B、laying out C、smoothing out D、taking over 正确答案:

第36题,A ( ) was the meeting like? B: It was very exciting. A、How B、What C、Why 正确答案:

第37题,A:What TV programmes do you like? B: I ( )London Lives. A、like watching B、like to watching C、like watch 正确答案:

第38题,A:The shops in this area are ( ). B:Yes, I agree. They are not modern enough. A、enough old-fashioned B、old-fashion

C、too old-fashioned 正确答案:

第39题,James is ( ) French than Polly. A、a bit better at B、a bit more good at C、a bit good at 正确答案:

第40题,A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I. A、have B、am C、do



第41题,I come here twice a week to swim and ( ). A、work B、work out C、work to 正确答案:

第42题,David ( ) on a new database at the moment. A、currently work

B、is currently working C、currently working 正确答案:

第43题,What's ( )job? Are ( ) British? A、your, your B、you, your C、your, you 正确答案:

第44题,London is ( ) capital of Britain, and it is ( )_ great city, too. A、a, the B、the, / C、the, a 正确答案:

第45题,We ____to Guilin for holiday last month, but my wife caught a bad cold and we had to cancel the trip. A、were to go B、go

C、should have gone D、must have gone 正确答案:

第46题,It ____ over two years since the old gentleman first came to sample the puddings. A、has been B、was C、will be D、would be



第47题,We will have to ____ the matter carefully before we can draw any conclusion. A、find out B、look into C、search for D、base on 正确答案:

第48题,Mrs. Smith told me that she ____ when I called her yesterday afternoon. A、was cooking dinner

B、has been cooking dinner C、cooked dinner

D、had been cooked dinner 正确答案:

第49题,I don't want ( ) milk in my coffee. A、any B、some C、many 正确答案:

第50题,My elderly father seems very ____ to sit in front of the TV all day long. A、Boring B、typical C、stunned D、content 正确答案:



