In vitro antiplasmodial effect of ethanolic extracts of coastal medicinal plants along Pal
In vitro antiplasmodial effect of ethanolic extracts of coastal medicinal plants along Palk Strait against
Plasmodium falciparum
Samuel Jacob Inbaneson; Sundaram Ravikumar; Palavesam Suganthi
【期刊名称】《《亚太热带生物医学杂志:英文版》》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)005
【摘要】Objective:To identify the possible anliplasmodial compounds from
(A.indica),Jatropha glandulifera(J.glanduUfera)and Phyllanlhus amarus(P.amarus).Methods:The A.aspera,A.indica,J.glandulifera and P.ainarus were collected along Palk Strait and the extraction was carried out in ethanol.The filter sterilized extracts(100,50,25,12.5,6.25 and 3.125μg/mL) of leaf,stem,root and flower extracts of A aspera,A. indica,J.glandulifera and P.amarus were tested for anliplasmodial activity against Plasnuxlium falciparum.The potential extracts were also tested for their phytochemical constituents.Results: Of the selected plants species parts,the stem extract of A.indica showed excellent antiplasmodial activity(IC 【总页数】4页(P.364-367)
【关键词】Antiplasmodial activity IC; Medicinal plants Phytochemicals Plasmodium falciparum Achyranthes aspera Acalypha indica Jatropha glandulifera Phyllanthus amarus
In vitro antiplasmodial effect of ethanolic extracts of coastal medicinal plants along Pal