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1. 思想上准备。做到心态平稳,既要看到中考的重要性和严肃性,力求得高分得满分; 又要视中考如平时月考一样,适度紧张而不过分,确保能发挥出最佳状态。 2. 知识上准备。这种准备从中考复习就已开始。通过复习,基本做到知识考点全面、清晰、条理分明。各个考生应充分相信自己的知识储备,相信自己的应试能力,以清醒的思维状态冷静地投入到中考中去。

3.物质上准备。备好必需文具两副,准考证随文具走。 二、中考题型解题技巧和注意点

(一)单项选择题解题技巧。 做单项选择题可用“先打∨、

最后再涂卡”的方法进行。对有疑问、答案把握不大的题目要做上记号,待全部做完后再仔细推敲,确定最终答案。 每一道单项选择题都是出题者绞尽脑汁设计出来的,有许多“圈套”或“陷阱”等着你。 对付单项选择题最有效的方法是: (1)题目要看准确,看完全;

(2)全面分析题干,冷静思考 选项;

(3)找准题目的考点,反复比较。可用直选法、排除法、推理法、常识法 、反证法 (即:同归于尽法)解题。 单项选择常从以下方面进行考查:

1.冠词:字母(单词)里以元音开头的,如表示一个(件、只……)则用“an” an “f (l,m,n,s,x,a,e,i,o,r,h)” an hour an orange an honest boy ,a 110-meter-long river, an NBA player, an Ipad,

an eight-year-old boy an eleven-metre-wide river, an unusual day , one-to-one without the help, a one-hour documendary, a European country,

字母(单词)中以辅音开头的,如表示一个(件……)则用a “u”

a second time (再/又一次) a third chance (又一次机会) a UFO, a useful book a university a one-eyed cat , ( have pity on, what a pity! have local colour, have fun, have progress , come first )

用定冠时的情况:the capital of China, the sun/moon/earth, play the piano/violin/guitar, the weak/strong/aged/poor, the first to come, the longest river in China 不用定冠词的情况:play volleyball/basketball/football, have breakfast/lunch/supper, be in bed/hospital/school , on Teachers’ Day, on Children’s Day , We make him monitor.

(B) ____ useful book on the desk is ______ birthday present from my father.

A. A, a B. The, a C. An, a D. The, the (A) ---Who is _____ man in the middle of the crowd?---Do you mean _____ one in blue?

A. the; the B. a; the C. a; / D. the ; /

(D) ---Have you seen _____pen? I left it here this morning.

---Is it _____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a


the Green family==the Greens (注意谓语动词用复数)

class the


e.g. His family are having supper in the dining room now.

The Green family have moved to Paris. two months/years

20 dollars (表示、数学运算、重量、金钱、距离、时间、数目等复数名

10 meters 词或短语做主语看作一整体,注意谓语动词用单数)

e.g. Two Months has passed since he came here. the number of

a number of (使用谓语动词的区别) a great deal of ; plenty of 几分之几的… 百分之几的

most of … (谓语动词取决于它们后面所跟的主体名词或代词) e.g. 1)Three







2)89% of the students are from cities.

3)About two thirds of the earth is covered with water. 4)A lot of work has been done by her since yesterday. 5)More than one person has been to Beijing.

6)There are a number of sheep at the foot of the hill. 主语为单数,且后面跟有with, together with, along with, besides, except, like,as well as等,谓语动词用单数 e.g. The manager, along with his secretary, is going to the meeting room.

The worker and writer and所连接的指的是同一个人或事物谓语动词用单数

The worker and the writer and连接的两个单数名词谓语动词用复数

名词所有格:Jim’s two months’ (two-month) holiday someone else’s who else’s

Tom and Jack’s room

each other’s others’

Tom’s and


rooms It’s 15 minutes’ walk.

Spend a two-week holiday It’s a 15-minute walk. Spend




It’s 15 minutes on foot.

in a few years’ (days’ months’

weeks’) time

常见的不可数名词:news, work, weather, air, advice, medicine, fun, food, bread, water, milk, coffee, paper(纸),progress 不可数名词无复数形式, 不好用不定冠词修饰。

修饰可数名词的词有: some, any, many , a number of , a lot of, lots of

修饰不可数名词的词有little, a little, much, enough, plenty of ,a great deal of, a bit of, a little, 1)---Would you like some_______? ---Oh, yes. Just a little. A. pears B. oranges C. sugar D. apples 2) The camera is not yours. It’s _______. Yours is in the tent.

A. Lucy’s and Lily B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy and Lily’s D. Lucy and Lily

3). All the ______ teachers and the _____ students there are having a meeting.

A. men; boys B. men; boy C. man; boy


a) one… the other(two three…) some… others


b) some little few a bit any a little a few a little bit, a bit of +n.

something, nothing anything (可用于肯定句,作“任何东西/人”讲)somebody, nobody, anybody

e.g. 1) There’s nothing serious with you. 2) I have nothing else new to tell you.

both neither either all none each


on both sides of the street/river on either side of on each side of on


side /all





on the other side of not only …but also neither…nor

either…or (谓语动词用就近的原则)

there be

both…and (连接主语时谓语动词用复数)

(1) How thirsty I am! Would you please give me _____ water to drink? A. some B. any C. few D. lots

(2) ---Mary, what do you want, coffee or milk? ---_____. I don’t feel like drinking anything now, Mum.

A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. All

(3) Is there ______ in today’s paper?

A. everything special B. special nothing C. anything special D. special something

(A) Many of them heard about that film, but _____ had time to see it.

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 4.数词:

a) 数词的读法 1, 000, 000, 000 billion million thousand

一万 ten thousand 一亿 one hundred million

10亿 1 billion

b)数词的表达法 概数hundreds of thousands of millions of many thousands of

确数 three million several hundred(s) of two thousand of the workers Two hundred students, two hundred of the students

c) 分数的表达法:分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分母的序数词加s,分数后跟名词,谓语动词依据名词形式而定。

d)two and a half days=two days and a half

one or two hours

e)年代的表示法。in the 1960s 读成 in the nineteen sixties f) in one’s forties; on one’s twentieth birthday (1) There are ______ workers in this factory.

A. four hundreds of B. four hundred of C. hundreds of D. four hundreds

(2) We have done ____ of the work. We’ll finish it in this week.

A. two-three B. two-third C. two thirds D. second-three

(3) Kate won the _______ race in the summer sports meeting.

A. 100-metre B. 100-metres C. 100 metre D. 100 metre’s

expect to do sth.

5.动词 discover expect sb to do sth.

a)同义词辨析 take look for

hear hope bring find listen wish

(肯、否) must

see search sb. rise vi. talk have to


search for sb. raise vt. say

arrive in/at steal



search+place+for sb./sth. speak reach rob sb. of sth. search

the Internet tell

get to


the information on the Internet

used to do be made of /from return sometimes be used to doing be made in


some times be used to do

be made by

borrow sometime be used for doing be made up of

keep some time

be used by be used in

care for spend offer to do ; offer sb. to do sth.; fer sb. sth. care about pay provide sb. with sth ; provide sth. for sb. look after take take care of cost

buy ( A )1. What did the teacher ______you to______ at the meeting ? A. tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. ask, talk

( C )2. Do you know who they’re _____ about the accident at the school gate? A. talking B. saying C. telling D. speaking 3. What do you call this bird in English?=How do you say this bird in English? b)动词短语 put on 注意被动语态 made receive accept

turn on/off try on keep off put away throw about turn out turn up/down keep away from put off seen sb. be let to do watched helped noticed seen sb. be heard doing 动副结构: put up sb. be heard to do had litter about turn innto give up look up (in the dictionary) put down ring up

give out look down on/upon put out the fire go over pick up

give away look over put sb. through think over wake up

take in work out (on) put in take off look through tidy up break into cut out take away go through clean up break out cut down

take out of put through make up break down cut short take up use up(run out) cut in (on)s b. take in eat up cut off

动介结构:get on it (off), look for, work on it, fall off,

complain about, talk about,think about

c)感官、使役动词 see

make hear sb do (doing sth) let

sb do sth

wacth have 改为被动语态要加

“to” notice


watched noticed e.g. The workers make machines to help farmers. d)情态动词:注意may, must, should, must的否定答语,注意语境,表猜测用情态动词may, must,

may be, must be——can’t be

need作行为动词用 need to do (否定句、疑问句中要用助动词) need doing=need to be done

Must I/we…? 否定回答 No, you needn’t/don’t have to. Sb. needn’t do…区别can/be able to e)非延续性动词→延续性动词

borrow---keep buy---have open---be open

die---be dead

come(go)---be in



begin---be on

join---be in (a member) begin(start)



get up---be up

make friends---be friends come back---be


fall asleep---be asleep catch a cold---have

a cold

get to know---know



letter from---have a letter from

become interested in---be interested in

wake--- be awake

get married to (marry)---be married to 6.介词

a)注意in on at with的用法(注意时间、地点) b)比较 between on business in

over(under) against/ for

among on holiday after

----____, though he didn’t feel well. ----It’s nothing serious, _______, doctor? ----____, you’d better stay in hospital and you need an operation at once.8.同义词辨析

so lonely when pleased either such alone while pleasant too above(below) walk past/by by hand

through (desert, forest, door, tunnel,window) without past by accident across (bridge, street, road, river) with beyond by mmistake

The plane flew across the rainforest. c)含有一些介词的短语 connect…to/with


contact…on a visit to a key to an

entrance to

the way to a trip to a witness to

come up with catch up with play against(with)

by bike=on a bike in red




on the tree

in the end at the end of

by the

end of

towards to the reason for the cause

of 7.反意问句

a)注意陈述句中有hardly, never, few,





nobody,no等词,反意问句用肯定的形式。 b)注意主语后面的’s(is, has)

c)I/We believe,I/We think,I/We suppose后面跟宾语从句,如是否定句,否定前移。反意问句,看宾语从句。

d)unusual, unhappy, impossible, dislike, unfair等前缀的反义词,反意问句仍用否定形式。


Let’s……, shall we? 其余用will you?

----Didn’t he come to school yesterday? pleasure also as well 注意区别

close high wide hard deep straight closely highly widely hardly deeply straight 9.特殊疑问词

a)对人口、电话号码,到哪一年,用特殊疑问词what(what place…visit)

对人的职业用 What be sb. (What is he?)

对人的相貌用 what …look like (What does

he look like?)

对人的品质用 what …look like (What does he look like?)

或what be like (What is he


b)how soon(often, far away, long) 10.情景对话

看清上下文,注意说话的环境、对象。 11.非谓语动词

imagine sb doing sth

devote…to doing sth look forward to doing pay attention to doing

be used to doing can’t stop/stop doing be well worth doing be busy doing stop sb from doing keep sb from doing

prevent sb from doing

(sb sth 带有被动的意味;用stop /prevent sb being



