Table of Contents
Employee handbook receipt
District information……………………………………………………………………………………..….8
Description of the district Mission statement
District goals and objectives Board of trustees Administration School directory
Equal employment opportunity Job vacancy announcements Employment after retirement
Contract and noncontract employment Searches and alcohol and drug testing First aid and CPR certification Reassignments and transfers Workload and work schedules
Notification of parents regarding certification status Performance evaluation Employee involvement Staff development
Compensation and benefits………………………………………………........................................17
Salaries, wages, and stipends Paychecks
Automatic payroll deposit Payroll deductions
Overtime compensation
Travel expense reimbursement Health, dental, and life insurance Supplemental insurance benefits Cafeteria plan benefits (Section 125) Unemployment compensation insurance Teacher retirement Tax-shelted annunity Other benefit programs
Leaves and absences……………………………………………………..……………………………..22
Personal leave Sick leave
Use and recording of sick leave Local leave Sick Leave Pool Temporary disability
Absence From Duty forms Family and medical leave
Workers’ compensation benefits Assault leave
Bereavement leave Jury duty
Other court appearances Military leave
Employee relations and communications……………………………………………………….…..28
Employee recognition and appreciation District communications
Complaints and grievances…………………………………………………………………………..…29
Employee conduct and welfare………………………………………………………………………...31
Standards of conduct
Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators and enforceable standards Harassment
Sexual harassment Drug-abuse prevention Dietary supplements
Reporting suspected child abuse Associations and political activities Safety
Meal charges by employees Misuse of compensated time Tobacco use
Employee arrests and convictions Possession of firearms and weapons Visitors in the workplace Copyrighted materials Intellectual properties
Computer use and data management Seasonal decorations Gifts and favors
Asbestos management plan Pest control treatment Use of district vehicle
Commercial Drivers License-part time drivers Key Control
Parking at District Administrative Offices (CSS) Housekeeping
Personal phone calls and cellular telephones