Unit 5
一、授课时间: 第 10、 11 周
二.授课类型: 理论课 9课时;实践课 3 课时
三.授课题目: Silent Spring
12 四.授课时
数 : 五.教学目的和要求: 通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关环境保护的有关知识, 学会用英语解释
句子以达到学以 致用的目的。 要求学生主动地预习课文, 课前准备练习, 学会分析文章体裁和进行段落划分。 六.教学重点和难点:
1) 背景知识的传授: About the author ; 文章的体裁分析及段落划分; 语言点的理解: 2) Word study: to change; to exchange; beside; besides; except; used to; be used to; to 3) shiver;
to tremble; to shake; to shudder
Grammar Focus: Study and learn how the words such and so are used; Study such patterns
asconsidering …;given time; it is no accident that; it is not my contention that 七.教学基
Part One Warm - up 1.1 Warm-up Questions
1.2 Define the following words and phrases Part Two Background Information 2.1 What can you infer about Carson Part Three Text Appreciation 3.1 Text Analysis 3.1.1 Theme of the text 3.1.2 Structure of the text 3.2 Writing Devices 3.2.1 Contrast
3.2.2 Developing paragraphs by examples 3.2.3 Other ways of developing paragraphs? 3.3 Sentence Paraphrase Part Four Language Study 4.1 Phrases and Expressions 4.1.1 Word list:
4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list: 4.1.3 Word Building 4.2 Grammar 4.2.1 Object Part Five Extension 5.1 Group discussion
's view of the relation between man and nature?
本单元将运用黑板、 粉笔、 多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段, 主要采用以学生为主 体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论 等方法进行教学。
九.作业,讨论题,思考题 完成课后练习; 多看英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;
精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平; 积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语的活动; 坚持用英语写日记; 做一些专四相关练习; 十.参考资料:
杨立民主编 , 《现代大学英语精读》 (3)第二版,学生用书。北京:外语教学与研 究出版社 ,2012 。
2) 杨立民主编 , 《现代大学英语精读》 (3)第二版,教师用书。北京:外语教学与研
究出版社 ,2012 。 3) 李观仪主编,《新编英语教程》 (第三、四册)。上海:上海外语教学研究出版 , 4) 1999。 黄源深,虞苏美等主编, 《综合英语教程》 (1-4 册)。北京:高等教育出版1998。 5) 社, 《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》 ,北京:外语教学研究出版社, 2000。6) 7) 8) 9)
Judy Pearsall 主编,《新牛津英语词典》 。上海:上海外语教育出版
社, 丁往道、吴冰等编著, 《英语写作手册》 。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。 张道真,《现代英语用法词典》 (重排本)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994。 张道真, 温志达 , 《英语语法大全》 上、下卷。北京:外语教学与研究出版1998。 社,
一、 课后小结
Unit 5 Silent Spring
1.1 Warm-up Questions 1. What is the message given to us in the essay? What are Rachel Carson'smain arguments? Have they stood the test of time? 2. We are faced with all kinds of environmental problems nowadays. But what is the one that
Rachel Carson dealt with in her book Silent Spring?
3. How do chemicals affect the environment and people? 4. Does Carson mean that insecticides should never be used in agriculture? 1.2 Define the following words and phrases
1. be geared to
Part One Warm -up
2. 3.
introduce …into
a great variety of
4. hold sth within built-in 5. bounds 6. check a 7. limit on
8. set the stage for 9. explosive
10. (increases) live on 11. a/another factor (wheat) in
Part Two Background Information
1. intense love for nature since her childhood^ “Humans have now acquired a fateful power to alter and to destroy nature. But Man is a par t
of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.
—Rachel Carson
She was once bitterly attacked:
“an an-thiumanitarian crank, a priestess of nature, and a hysterical woman
But she courageously went on fighting until her idea caught on and more and more people joined in.
T the mother of moder n environmen tal moveme nt
About the book:
1. When was it published? 2. Who was the author? 3. What is it about? What is its central argument?
4. How was it received?
5. How significant is it now?
6. Does it still make sense now?
2.1 Rachel Carson (1907-1964) biologist, writer, ecologist
Part Three Text Appreciation