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④陈述句一般情况下应使用正常的语序, 即:主语+谓语+其他。但是有时会倒装,详见“倒装句”。

⑤所有的从句一律使用陈述句语序,即在连接词后采用“主语+谓语+其他”的顺序。如:The old man told me that he would live here for ten more years before he returns home. (老人告诉我说他还要在这儿住几年然后回家)/ Could you tell me who you saw at the party last night?(能告诉我在聚会上你都看见了谁吗?)



1)一般疑问句构成:句中谓语动词是be、情态动词时,则将它们(提前)放到主语前面。(即把主语和be,情态动词调换位置),即“be/情态动词+主语+----”如:Is he an engineer?(他是工程师吗?)/ Have you got today’s newspaper? (你有今天的报纸吗?)(特殊情况)/ Shall we go to see a film this evening? (我们今晚去看电影好吗?)/ Can you explain it ?(你能解释它吗?)/ Is there any fish for supper?(晚饭有鱼吗?)/ Would you like to go out for a walk?(你想出去散步吗?)

谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时, 则在主语前面加助动词do / does / did, 原来的谓语动词改为原形,即“do+主语+动词原形”。如:Do you get up at six every morning?(你天天早晨六点起身吗?)/ Does she study hard?(她学习努力吗?)/ Did you go there yesterday?(昨天你去那儿了吗?) 2)一般疑问句的回答:


Will you join us in playing basketball?(你加入我们打篮球好吗?)—Yes, we will.(是的我们会。)/ —No, we won’t.(不我们不会。)

Have you got today’s newspaper?(你有今天的报纸吗?)—Yes, I have .(是的有。)/ —No, I haven’t.(不没有。)


[注意] 回答must或者may开头的疑问句要小心,参见情态动词有关内容。

3)一般疑问句的否定结构:be/助动词/情态动词+not+主语+---- 或:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+not+----如:

Will he not come?=Will not he come?(他难道不来吗?)/ Isn’t your sister a Party member?=Is your sister not a Party member?(你的姐姐不是党员吗?)/ Don’t you like the play?=Do you not like the play? 否定疑问句并不单纯的表示提问,它常带有强烈的感情色彩,而且完全式比简略式所表达的语气更强烈:

①常带有惊异,责难或赞叹的语气,如:Haven’t you read the newspaper? 你没看过这份报纸?②有时暗示提问者期待着肯定的回答,如:Shouldn’t we start now? 我们是不是该动身了? Wasn’t it an interesting film? 那部电影不是很有趣吗? ③有时表示邀请或建议,如:Wouldn’t you go with me? 你不和我一起去吗?Won’t you have a cup of coffee? 你不喝杯咖啡吗?

注意:这种否定结构的疑问句的回答与汉语的习惯不同。如果回答是肯定的,就用“yes+肯定结构”;如果回答是否定的,就用“no+否定结构”。(情况与反意问句类似。)如: Can’t he answer the question? (他不能回答这个问题吗?)

—Yes, he can.(不,他能回答这个问题。) —No,he can’t. (是的,他不能回答这个问题。)(不管怎么问,如果事实上是“是的”,则用yes,如果事实上“不是,不能做某件事的”,则说“no”。

▲特殊疑问句:询问其语句中所缺失的部分,或者说,是要求得到暂时不知道的信息:什么,哪里,怎么样,多少,等等。 特殊疑问句是提问实质内容的(要求得到有实质内容回答的,而不简单的回答是否)。特殊疑问词,就是用来代替句子中缺失的东西——你要询问的东西的。 What + is it? Who + is your teacher?


1)特殊疑问句结构是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句+-----? 疑问代词 除who以外的疑问代词短语 疑问副词 如:What do you want?(你要什么?)/ Who(m) are you looking for ?(你在找谁?)/ Whose magazine is this?(这是谁的杂志?)/Which class are you in?(你在哪班?)/ When did you get up this morning?(你今早什么时候起身的?)/ Where have you been?(你到哪儿去了?)/ Why did he go to bed so early?(他为什么这么早睡觉?)/ How did you go +一般疑问句+? there?(你是怎么去的那儿?)

非重点,可以省略:但是,“who”引出的询问主语或主语部分相关词的特殊疑问句的结构与陈述句词序相同:如:Who is dancing over there?(谁在那边跳舞?),Who dances best in your class? 班级里谁跳舞最好?

有时“what”,“which”,“whose”也可以引出与陈述句词序相同的特殊疑问句。如:What is on the wall?(什么东西在墙上?/墙上有什么?)/ Which is yours?(哪个是你的?)/ Whose book is in your bag?(谁的书在你的书包里?)(谓语动词是be时)



疑问代词: who, whom, whose, which, what, 疑问副词: when, where, why, how,

how构成的短语:how many (多少个) (独立用;或跟可数名词), how much (多少) (独立用;或跟不可数名词), how old (多大年纪), how far (多远), how often (多常),how long (多久,多长), how soon (多久以后),how many times (多少次),等等。

3)特殊疑问句有时也用否定式。如:Why don’t you ask Jim instead?(常缩略为Why not…?) (你为什么不转请Jim呢?)

4) 特殊疑问句疑问部分有时可以有两个以上的疑问词。如:When and where were you born? (你是何时何地出生的?) 5) 疑问词如果是介词的宾语, 则该介词可以在句首,也可以在句尾。如:What do you want a computer for? = For what do you want a computer? (你干嘛要一台电脑呢?)

▲反意疑问句: 反意疑问句表示对陈述句所说的事实提出相反的疑问,要求对方用“yes”或“no”来进行回答。

1) 构成:陈述句+附加问句。由两部分组成:前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是疑问句,它是由be ,have, 助动词或情态动词+主语构成。如果陈述句是肯定结构,反意疑问句须用否定结构;反之,陈述句如果是否定结构,反意疑问句须用肯定结构。反意疑问句的两部分, 必须保持人称和时态的一致;反意疑问句的回答有时会和汉语不同。 陈述句部分 肯定陈述句 否定陈述句 附加问句部分 否定的简短一般问句 肯定的简短一般问句 注 意 点 当陈述句部分含有“是”动词、(“有”动词)、情态动词和助动词时,简短问句中沿用该词;否则就使用do/does//did. 如:He is old, isn’t he? (他老了不是吗?) / The man went away, didn’t he? (那个男人走开了不是吗?) / He isn’t old, is he? (他不老是吗?) / He never went there, did he? (他从没有去过那里是吗?) 2) 反意问句的回答:

无论哪种形式的反意问句,回答时要遵循:“Yes,+肯定式”或者“No,+否定式” 如:The man went away, didn’t he?(那人走开了,不是吗?) ——Yes, he did.(是的,他走了。)/ No, he didn’t.(不,他没有走。) The man never went there, did he?(这人从来不去那里,是吗?) ——Yes, he did.(不是呀,他去的。)/ No, he didn’t.(是呀,他不去。) 特殊句型:

1.祈使句。祈使句后一般加上will you或won’t you构成反义疑问句,用will you多表示“请求”,用won’t you多表示提醒对方注意。例如:

let引导的祈使句有两种情况:①let’s---,后的反义疑问句用shall we或shan’t we。如:Let’s go home, shan’t we? 回家吧,好吗?②let us/me--- 后的反义疑问句用will you或won’t you。如:let me have a try, won’t you? 其他祈使句都用will you或won’t you回答。

2.反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。

①Your father is unhappy, isn’t he? (不能用is he?) ②The man is dishonest, isn’t he? (不能用is he?)

③It is impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn’t it?(不能用is it ?)

3.反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,not,no,nobody,nothing, none, neither等否定意义的词时,问句部分


①She never tells a lie, does she? (不用doesn’t she?) ②He was seldom late, was he?(不用wasn’t he?)

4.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am……时,问句部分虽然也可用“am not I”,但习惯上用aren’t I?表示。如:I am a very honest man, aren’t I?

5.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We)第一人称 think(believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词及主语与that从句内的动词和主语保持一致。如:①I think that he has done his best, hasn’t he? ②We think that English is very useful, isn’t it? (不用don’t we?)

6.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We) don’t think(believe, suppose, consider)+ that从句时,从句为否定意义,问句部分的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致且用肯定式。如:①I don’t think that you can do it, can you? (不用do I?) ②We don’t believe that the news is true, is it? (不用do we?)

7.反意疑问句的陈述部分为非第一人称主语+ think(believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:

①They all think that English is very important, don’t they? (不用isn’t it?) ②He didn’t think that the news was true, did he? (不用wasn’t/ was it?)

8.反意疑问句的陈述部分为主语+said( told, reported, asked……) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:①They said that you had finished your work, didn’t they? (不用hadn’t you) ②Kate told you that she would go there, didn’t she? (不用wouldn’t she?)

9.陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything时,问句部分的主语用it。如: ①Something is wrong with the computer, isn’t it? ②Nothing has happened to them, has it?

10.陈述部分的主语为不定代词somebody(someone), anybody(anyone), nobody(no one), everybody(everyone),no, none, neither时,问句部分的主语用he或 they(通常用they),这时问句动词的数应和he或 they一致。如:①Someone has taken the seat, hasn’t he? ②Everyone has done his best in the game, haven’t they?

11.陈述部分为Let me……时,问句部分习惯上用shall I? 或will you?形式。如:Let me have a try, shall I?(will you?) 12.陈述部分为Let us……时,问句部分习惯上用will you?形式。如:Let us stop to rest, will you? 13.陈述部分为Let’s……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。如:Let’s go home together, shall we?

14.陈述部分用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式表示请求,用won’t you?形式表示委婉请求或邀请(即两种情况都可出现,不必遵循前否后肯或前肯后否的原则)。如: ①Do sit down, won’t you?/ will you? ②You feed the bird today, will you? ③Please open the window, will you?(won’t you?)

15.陈述部分为否定祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式。如:Don’t make any noise, will you? 16.陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用be+there(here)?形式。如: ①There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there? Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn’t here?

17.陈述部分用had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句部分用hadn’t +主语?形式。

①You’d better tell him about the matter, hadn’t you?②We had better do it by ourselves, hadn’t we? 18.陈述部分用used to +主语时,问句部分用didn’t + 主语?或usedn’t +主语?形式。 ①He used to live in the country, didn’t he?/usedn’t he? ②They used to be good friends, didn’t they?/usedn’t they?

19.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式。如:

①He might have forgotten his pen in the classroom yesterday, didn’t he? (不用mightn’t he?/ hasn’t he?) ②You must have got up late this morning, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/haven’t you?)

20.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中没有带明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用现在完成时形式。如:

①Everyone must have known the death of the waitress, haven’t they? (不用mustn’t they?)

②You must have worked there a year ago, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/ haven’t you?) 21.陈述部分的主语为从句时,问句部分的主语一般用it代替,如: ①What he said is true, isn't it? (不用didn’t he?)

②Where we will build the dam has not been decided yet, has it? (不用won’t we?) 22.陈述部分的主语为动名词或不定式时,问句的主语用it代替。如:

①To do one good deed is easy for a person, isn't it?②Skating is your favorite sport, isn't it?

23.陈述部分的主语是不定代词one,反义疑问句的主语可以用one,也可以用you。如:One should be ready to help others, shuldn’t one?


1.I think they will go to town tomorrow, ________? A.do I B.don’t I C.will they D.won’t they 2.I don’t believe he can catch up with me, _________? A.can he B.can’t he C.do I D.don’t I 3.I’m sure that I will be well again, __________? A.am I B.aren’t I C.will I D.won’t I 4.I am afraid that he will not come, _______? A.am I B.aren’t I C.will he D.won’t he

5.They don’t believe you are wrong, _________? A.are you B.aren’t you C.do they D.don’t they 6.He thought you were Beijing, _________? A.didn’t he B.did he C.weren’t you D.were you

7.We told you that he would come tonight, _______? A.didn’t we B.did we C.would he D.wouldn’t he 8.The reporter said the news was not true, _________? A.wasn’t it B.didn’t he C.did he D.was it

9.They suggested that he should go to work at once, ________? A.did they B.didn’t they C.should he D.shouldn’t he 10.Your brother has lunch at home, _________-? A.hasn’t he B.doesn’t he C.has he D.does he 11.John has to get up early, ________? A.has he B.hasn’t he C.does he D.doesn’t he

12.She has got to get everything ready, _________? A.hasn’t she B.has she C.doesn’t she D.does she 13.She has never been to China, _________?A.has she B.hasn’t she C.doesn’t she D.does she

14.She had better tell you the news right now, _______?A.had she B.hadn’t she C.did she D.didn’t she

15.They would rather not have done that last week,________? A.would they B.wouldn’t they C.have they D.haven’t they 16.I’d rather stay here for a rest, ________?A.did I B.would I C.didn’t I D.wouldn’t I 17.You ought to do it again,_________?A.ought you B.oughtn’t you C.do you D.don’t you 18.You must do that again,_________?A.mustn’t you B.needn’t you C.do you D.don’t you 19.He must wait here, __________?A.mustn’t he B.doesn’t he C.shouldn’t he D.does he 20.He must be a good worker,________?A.mustn’t he B.needn’t he C.isn’t he D.doesn’t he

21.He must have been to China twice,_________? A.hasn’t he B.didn’t he C.wasn’t he D.mustn’t he 22.He must have been ill last week,__________? A.hasn’t he B.didn’t he C.wasn’t he D.mustn’t he 23.He must have known you during the war,__________? A.hasn’t he B.didn’t he C.wasn’t he D.mustn’t he 24.He must have known the result already,_________? A.hasn’t he B.didn’t he C.wasn’t he D.mustn’t he 25.There used to be a temple here,________? A.didn’t there B.did there C.used there D.was there 26.They used to be good friends,________? A.usedn’t they B.didn’t they C.used they D.both A and B 27.Mother usedn’t to dress the baby,______? A.didn’t she B.did she C.used she D.usedn’t she 28.The students used to go to see him,_______? A.usedn’t they B.didn’t they C.used they D.both A and B 29.Alice, you have a little more chicken,________? A.haven’t you B.don’t you C.will you D.do you

30.Hi! Alice, you have bought a little chicken,_________? A.haven’t you B.won’t you C.will you D.have you 31.You two had breakfast just now,__________? A.hadn’t you B.didn’t you C.had you D.did you 32.You two had finished the breakfast,_________? A.hadn’t you B.didn’t you C.did you D.had you 33.Neither you nor I was invited to the party,________? A.were we B.weren’t we C.was I D.were you 34.Either he or she is to clean the window,__________?A.are they B.aren’t they C.isn’t he D.isn’t she 35.It is Jiao Yulu who turned Lankao into a rich district,_______? A.is it B.isn’t it C.did he D.didn’t he 36.It was you who never made such mistakes,________? A.wasn’t it B.weren’t you C.did you D.didn’t you 37.The little child dared not climb the tree,________? A.dared he B.did he C.was he D.does he

38.What he said is not wrong,__________? A.didn’t he B.did he C.is it D.isn’t it

39.That his parents were ill made him a little worried,_________? A.weren’t they B.were they C.didn’t it D.wasn’t it 40.He dislikes what you have said,__________?A.does he B.doesn’t he C.have you D.haven’t you 41.(2003Shanghai spring)If you want help—money or anything,let me know,____you? A.don’t B.will C.shall D.do

42.(2002Shanghai)Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital cameral,____? A.is he B.isn’t he C.doesn’t she D.does she

43.(2002Shanghai spring)Brian told you that there wasn’t anyone in the room at that time,___? A.was there B.wasn’t there C.didn’t he D.did he

44.(2001Shanghai)I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer,_____? A.do I B.don’t I C.will they D.won’t they 45.(2000Shanghai)The news that they fialed their driving test discouraged him,___? A.did they B.didn’t they C.did it D.didn’t it

46.(NMET99)—Alice,you feed the bird today,____? --But I fed it yesterday. A.do you B.will you C.didn’t you D.don’t you

▲选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上情况,需要对方作出选择回答的疑问句叫选择疑问句。 1) 构成:(1) 一般疑问句 + or + 第二选项? (2) 特殊疑问句 + 第一选项(+ 第二选项)+ or + 第三选项? 2)选择疑问句的结构与特殊疑问句相同,即要具体回答,不可以用yes / no回答。如:

Is your friend a boy or a girl? –A girl. (----你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?----是女孩。) / Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? –Tea, please. (---你要哪一样咖啡还是茶?----请来茶吧。) / Which do you like best, singing, dancing or skating? --Dancing, of course. (----唱歌、跳舞和溜冰你最喜欢哪样?----当然是跳舞啦!)


▲祈使句的肯定式: 动词(原形) + 其他 如:Please give me a hand. (请帮忙) / Shut up! (住嘴!)

▲祈使句的否定式: Don’t +动词原形 + 其他 如:Please don’t talk in low voices. (请不要低声讲话。) / Don’t look back! (不要掉头看。)

[注意] 以“let’s”引出的祈使句的否定结构,“not”应放在“let’s”后面。如:Let’s not trouble him. (我们不要打扰他。) 肯定祈使句前可以用助动词来加强语气。如:Please do help me! (请千万帮帮我。) 6、感叹句:感叹句用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情。句末常用“!”

▲对含有形容词的名词短语感叹的结构通常是: What + (a /an) + (形容词) +名词+ 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的名词,如:What a good, kind girl (she is)! (她是多么善良的好女孩!) / What bad weather (it is)! (天气真糟糕!) ▲仅对形容词或副词进行感叹的结构通常是:How + 形容词/副词 + 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的形容词、副词或动词。How carefully the old man walks! (这老人走路真小心!) / How delicious the food is! (这食品真好吃!) / How beautiful! (真美呀!)

▲有时,陈述句、祈使句、疑问句、一个词或词组,也带有一定的感情色彩,也可以成为感叹句,此时未必使用感叹句型。He is sitting on a tiger’s back! (他坐在老虎的背上!) / A nice shot! (漂亮一击!) / Good goal! (好球!)



(1)由名词、代词(人称代词用主格)、动词不定式、动名词等充当,说明动作是“谁”发出的,主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或什么,表示句子说的是“什么人”,或”什么事“,如“我写字”中的“我”,做出写字这个动作。“写”则是谓语,“字”是宾语,是接受谓语“写”这个动作的对象,因此是宾语。如:The painter painted a very nice picture. (画家画了一幅漂亮的画。) / They fought against SARS bravely. (他们勇敢地与非典搏斗。) / To see is to believe. (耳听为虚眼见为实). / Helping animals



