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3. none和no:

no等于not any,作定语。none作主语或宾语,代替不可数名词,谓语用单数,代替可数名词,谓语单复数皆可以。

There is no water in the bottle.

How much water is there in the bottle None.

None of the students are (is) afraid of difficulties.

4. other和another:

1) other泛指“另外的,别的”常与其他词连用,如:the other day, every other week,

some other reason, no other way,

the other特指两者中的另外一个,复数为the others。如: He held a book in one hand and his notes in the other.

Two students in our class failed, but all the others passed the exam.

2) another指“又一个,另一个”无所指,复数形式是others,泛指“别的人或事”如:

I don’t like this shirt, please show me another (one).

The trousers are too long, please give me another pair / some others. Some like football, while others like basketball.

5. all和both, neither和either



v1.0 可编辑可修改 All of the books are not written in English. / Not all of the books are written in English.

Both of us are not teachers. / Not both of us are teachers. / Either of us is a teacher.


1. I hear someone _______at the door. Please go and see who _______ is. A. knock, he B. knocking, he C. knock, it

D. knocking, it

【解析】此题容易误选A或B。这是由于汉语思维的影响引起的。大家都知道hear sb. do sth. 意为“听见某人做某事”,hear sb. doing sth. 意为“听见某人正在做某事”,这样一来很多人就会选择A或B,因为后面“去看看他是谁”从汉语的角度来看是没有错的。其实,在英语中常常用it来指代身份(姓名、职业等)不详的人。有人敲门时我们常常用英语问“Who is it”正确答案为D。

2. Lucy and I are classmates. We _______ in Class One. A. all are B. are all C. both are D. are both


3. There is _______ egg at home. Will you please get _______ for me, please A. no, some

B. not, some C. not any, any

D. not an, any

【解析】此题容易误选C或D。这是由于死记语法条文引起的。因为大家都知道some一般用于肯定句中,而any一般用于疑问句或否定句中,这样一来A和B首先就给排除了。其实,在表示请求或建议的疑问句,如Would you like… / What would you like… / Could you/ I … / What about… / How about… / Would/ will you please…等等疑问句中习惯上要用some而不用any。又因为no可以直接修饰名词,而not必须加上a/an或any之后才可1212121212

v1.0 可编辑可修改 以接名词。因此正确答案为A。

4. —A latest English newspaper, please!

—Only one copy left. Would you like to have _______, sir A. one

B. this C. that D. it

【解析】此题容易误选A。这是由于忽略语境和思维定势造成的。这里是在询问是否有报纸卖,很多同学认为这里最后一句话的意思是“先生,你是否想要一份”。其实,由上文中的Only one copy left. 可知,只剩下一份报纸了,这暗示了购买者别无选择,只能买“它”了。正确答案为D。

5. 这张票是她的,不是我的。

[误] This is hers ticket. It’s not my. [正] This is her ticket. It’s not mine.

[析] 物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。形容词性物主代词之后一定要接名词,而名词性物主代词之后不需接任何词。 6. 吴老师教我们英语。

[误] Miss Wu teaches our English. [正] Miss Wu teaches us English.

[析] teach sb. sth..中的sb.作teach的宾语,因此当sb.为人称代词时要用其宾格形式。

第二部分 语境·交际·常识


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所谓语境就是指上下文。解答中考单项填空题,不要只盯在空格那个地方,也不要只盯在含空格的那一个句子,而要理解整个上下文的意思才能作出选择。请看下面这道中考题: —You’re very ______, aren’t you —Yes. Our team has won the game. A. happy

B. worried C. sad

D. afraid

解答此题时你若只看问句,填任何一个答案都是正确的,当看到答句中的has won the match才知道只有答案A正确。


就是指考生还要懂得英语国家的人与中国人由于历史文化和思维方式的不同所造成日常交往中语言表达的不同。请看下面这道中考题: —Your spoken English is much better! —______. A. Oh, no

B. You’re right

C. thank you

D. Not at all




Which of the following weather signs means “windy”



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1. —Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping. —_______.

A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter C. Excuse me, I’m wrong D. Certainly, I won’t

【解析】此题容易误选 C 或 D。一方面可能由于不知道 Excuse me. 与 Sorry. 的区别,而误选为C;另一方面可能由于不理解这一语境而误选为D。这里听话者是做错了事情,做错的事情首先应该说 Sorry 表示歉意,然后现表示不会再那样做了。正确答案为A。

2. —I haven’t seen Jack for three days, is he ill —_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I don’t expect D. I am afraid not

【解析】此题容易误选B或D。一般来说我们不希望别人生病,如果不注意语境的话,就很可能误选为B或D。由下文His mother told me that he was in hospital. 可知Jack可能生病了。I am afraid so. 意为“恐怕是这样的”,常用来表示一种不太肯定的语气。正确答案为A

3. —Excuse me. May I use your computer —_______. It’s broken.

A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. I’m afraid not

【解析】此题易犯草率答题的错误而误选A或B。对于别人的请求大多数要用肯定回答,如果没有下文的It’s broken. 选择A或B那肯定是正确的。由下文的It’s broken. 可知,这里应该拒绝对方的请求,故正确答案为D。这里I’m afraid not. 意为“恐怕不行”。




