Electrical socket
申请(专利)号: GB20170006537
专利号: GB2561856A 主分类号: H01R13/66 申请权利人: EDWARD
MCDERMOTT 公开国代码: GB 优先权国家: GB
申请日: 2017-04-25 公开公告日: 2018-10-31
分类号: H01R13/66;
H01R13/717 发明设计人: EDWARD
优先权: 20170425 GB
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
An electrical socket 10 configured for connection to an electrical supply and formed to receive an electrical plug and to supply it with electricity, the electrical socket comprises a delay timer 24 and a signaling device 22. The delay counter is configured to be triggered by an event indicative of commencement of electrical usage, to measure passage of a
predetermined delay period, and, in the event that electrical usage does not
cease during the delay period, to apply an activation signal to the signalling device at the end of the delay period. The signalling device is configured, in response to the activation signal, to emit a visible and/or audible warning signal to alert a user. The socket may serve to alert users if a socket is left active for an excessive period of time. The delay timer may be triggered by switching on of the switches 14a, 14b, and may be reset when these switches are switched to the off state. 主权项:
CLAIMS1. An electrical socket configured for connection to an electrical supply and
formed to receiv
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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