鞍背 dorsum sellae 鞍结节 tuberculum sellae B
白线 white line
白质前连合 anterior white commissure 板内核 intralaminar nucleus 板障 diploe 半环线 arcuate line 半腱肌 semitendinosus 半膜肌 semimembranosus 半羽肌 unipennate muscle 半月裂孔 hiatus semilunaris 半月线 semilunar line 膀胱 bladder
膀胱三角 trigone of bladder 膀胱上动脉 superior vesical artery 膀胱子宫陷凹 vesicouterine pouch 背侧丘脑 dorsal thalamus 背阔肌 latissimus dorsi 背内侧核 medial dorsal nucleus 背外侧核 lateral dorsal nucleus 背外侧束 dorsolateral fasciculus 贲门 cardia 鼻 nose
鼻唇沟 nasolabial sulcus 鼻棘 nasal spine 鼻甲嵴 conchal crest 鼻尖 apex of nose 鼻孔 nares
鼻泪管 nasolacrimal canal 鼻腔 nasal cavity 鼻咽 nasopharynx
鼻烟壶 anatomical snuffbox 鼻翼 wing of nose 鼻阈 nasal limen 鼻中隔 nasal septum 比目鱼肌 soleus 闭孔 obturator foramen 闭孔动脉 obturator artery 闭孔内肌 obturator internus m. 闭孔外肌 obturator externus m.
壁腹膜 parietal peritoneum 臂丛 brachial plexus 边缘动脉 marginal a. 杓横肌 transverse arytenoids 杓会厌襞 plica aryepiglottica 杓斜肌 oblique arytenoids 杓状软骨 arytenoid cartilage 髌骨 patella 髌尖 apex of patella 髌韧带 ligamentum patallae 髌上囊 suprapatellar bursa 玻璃体 vitreous body 薄束 fasciculus gracilis 薄束核 gracile nucleus 薄束结节 gracile tubercle C
侧副三角 collateral trigone 侧脑室 lateral ventricle 长收肌 adductor longus 肠系膜 mesentery
肠系膜上动脉 superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上静脉 superior mesenteric v. 肠系膜下动脉 inferior mesenteric a. 肠系膜下静脉 inferior mesenteric v. 肠脂垂 epiploicae appendices 尺侧副韧带 ulnar collateral lig. 尺侧腕屈肌 flexor carpiulnaris 尺骨 ulna
尺骨粗隆 tuberosity of ulna 尺骨冠突 coronoid process of ulna 尺骨茎突 styloid process of ulna 尺骨鹰嘴 olecranon of ulna 尺切迹 ulnar notch 尺神经 ulnar n.
尺神经沟 groove for ulnar nerve 齿突 dens
齿状核 dentate nucleus 齿状回 dentate gyrus 齿状韧带 denticulate ligament 耻骨 pubis 耻骨肌 pectineus m. 耻骨嵴 pubic crest 耻骨结节 pubic tubercle
耻骨联合 symphysis pubis 耻骨韧带 pubofemoral lig. 耻骨上支 superior ramus of pubis 耻骨梳 pecten pubis 耻骨体 body of the pubiss 耻骨下支 inferior pubic ramus 垂体 hypophysis pituitary gland 垂体柄 pituitary stalk 垂体窝 hypophyseal fossa 锤骨柄 handle of malleus D
大多角骨 trapezium bone 大脑导水管 cerebral aqueduct 大脑横裂 transverse cerebral fissure 大脑后动脉 posterior cerebral a. 大脑脚 cerebral peduncle 大脑脚底 crus cerebri 大脑镰 cerebral falx
大脑前动脉 anterior cerebral a. 大脑上静脉 superior cerebral v. 大脑水管 cerebral aqueduct 大脑下静脉 inferior cerebral v. 大脑中动脉 middle cerebral a.
大脑中浅静脉 superficial middle cerebral v. 大脑纵裂 cerebral longitudinal fissure 大收肌 adductor magnus 大网膜 greater omentum 大阴唇 greater lip of pudendum 大隐静脉 great saphenous v. 大圆肌 teres major 大转子 greater trochanter 胆囊 gallbladder 胆囊动脉cystic a. 胆囊管 cystic duct 胆囊三角Calot triangle 胆总管 common bile duct 弹性圆锥 conus elasticus
导水管周围灰质periaqueductal gray 岛叶 insula 岛阈 limen insula 镫骨stapes 骶丛 sacral plexus 骶骨 sacrum