(三)、求职面试 1、求职面试
job hunting 找工作; want ads 招聘广告 position/post 职位; opening/vacancy 空缺 opportunity 机会; inquiry 询问; consult 咨询 resume 简历; application form 求职信 interview 面试; interviewee 面试者 interviewer 面试官;
competent 胜任的 inexperienced 没有经验的; qualification 资历 unemployment 失业; lose one’s job 失业 full-time job 全职工作; part-time job 兼职工作 do odd jobs 做零工; fire/dismiss 解雇 hire/employ 雇佣; job-hopping 跳槽 turn down 拒绝
clients 客户; colleague 同事 get along with 与…相处 confirm 确认 arrangement 安排 fill in the application form 填写申请表 night shift 夜班 take over 接管,接任 be involved in 参与 negotiate 谈判 cooperation 合作 bid 投标; difference 分歧; disapprove 反对; headquarter 总部;
attitude 态度; active/positive 积极的; pessimistic 悲观的; forgetful 健忘的; confident 有信心的; perseverance 坚持不懈; overwork 加班; overwhelmed 疲倦的; wear out 疲劳的; work like a horse 辛勤工作;
promotion 升职; achievement 成就; deserve 值得,应得;
(四).科普知识类 1、生物,生态:
appointment 任命; secretary 秘书; superior 上司; appointment 约会; ask for leave 请假;
apply for a vacation申请休假; morning shift 早班; shift work 倒班工作; in charge of 负责;
assistance/favor 帮助,协助; inquire 咨询; competition 竞争; contract 合同
approve 同意,批准 compromise 妥协,让步 branch 分部,分公司 personality 品质 optimistic 乐观的 determined 有决心的 diligent 勤奋的
hard-working 工作努力的 struggle 奋斗
work addict 工作狂 workload 工作负担 complain 抱怨
devote oneself to sth. 致力于… career 事业
contribution 贡献 worthy 值得的 biology 生物学; cell 细胞; protein 蛋白质 gene 基因; inherit 遗传; survive 生存 digestive system 消化系统; adapt to 适应
ecology 生态学; soil erosion 水土流失 rare animal 珍稀动物; extinction 灭绝
weather forecast 天气预报; temperature 温度 Sunny/clear 晴天; cloudy 多云的 overcast 阴天的; drizzle 毛毛雨; light rain 小雨 heavy rain 大雨;
shower 阵雨 pour/downpour 倾盆大雨; thunderstorm 雷雨
rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨; snowstorm 暴风雨; windy 刮风的 sweltering 酷热的 sticky 闷热的; muggy 闷热潮湿的; freezing 寒冷的; severe winter 严冬; humid 湿的;
astronomy 天文学; cosmos 宇宙; solar energy 太阳能; planet 行星; telescope 望远镜 geology 地质学 exploration 勘探 blizzard 暴风雨 hail 冰雹;
breeze 微风的; steamy 湿热的; stuffy 闷的 chilly 严寒的 frigid 严寒的
foggy/misty 有雾的 humidity 湿度 universe 宇宙
solar system 太阳系 satellite 卫星 comet 彗星;
microscope 显微镜; geography 地理; north Pole 北极;