Pioneer Girl: the Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder
1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考
Have you had any adventures in a wild place?/Have you ever been camping in a wild place like in the woods?
Who can describe your camping/adventure experience?
Have you heard of Laura Ingalls Wilder?
教师出示Laura Ingalls Wilder的照片,对其作简要介绍,然后回归故事内容。
Laura Ingalls Wilder lived in America 130 years ago. She wrote many popular children’s stories. Laura’s family were pioneers and she had many adventures as they travelled through woods, over prairies and across rivers in their covered wagon. She wrote the stories based on her adventure experience.
2. 朗读(Reading aloud):朗读与思考相结合
(1)检查学生朗读。Laura Wilder began this very story with experience in the little house in the big woods. What happened when her family lived in that house? 请几个学生朗读第1章节(P5-P9),要求以不同的情感朗读出故事中的乐事和不易。
(2)让学生选择喜欢的章节大声朗读。What impresses you in other chapters? Tell us what that part is, read it aloud to us and then let us know why you love that part. 提醒学生注意模仿录音中的语音语调。读完后,要求学生用英语说一说喜欢的理由,教师给出反馈并提炼出有用的关键词按章节记录到黑板上,以充实下面复述故事用的notes。
3. 复述(Retelling):关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力 You have read some impressive incidents. Now make use of the key words I put on the blackboard and make more notes to retell the story. You are suggested to make a list of the key events according to each house here(show PPT). 首先让学生以notes的形式结合上个环节中教师列在黑板上的关键词,列出每一所房子里发生的主要事件,如:
? Little House in the Big Woods — Ma slapped a bear
? Little House on the Prairie — Pa hunting, Indians, cornbread
? Our House on Plum Greek — my greatest enemy, a sad time(grasshopper ate up all
plants; blizzards froze us; the baby boy died; Mary was ill)
? Town on the Prairie — the worst winter(cows’ heads frozen to the ground; snowstorms
lasted all day and night; the family huddled around the stove)
然后请学生根据自己的notes复述故事,可以在全班复述,也可以分组复述。可以此开头:My family lived in the big woods in Wisconsin. It was a little log house. The big woods were wild and dangerous and my mom once slapped a bear...(参见英文教案Teaching Notes)
4. 讨论(Discussion):培养学生的批判性思维能力
结合故事提出问题(1)请学生自由回答。如果时间允许,可以就第二个问题组织自由辩论赛。学生分为两大组,即正方和反方。鼓励学生从多个角度为本组论点寻找论据。然后教师导入第3个问题: I believe the author had enjoyed being a pioneer as long as she could stay with her family. She always had a sweet home no matter where the family moved. How do you understand home? 请学生讨论,讨论后,每组请一位代表发言,教师给出反馈与引导。(以下问题前的关键词仅供教师参考。)
(1)IDENTIFY CAUSE AND EFFECT Why did the family move from place to place?
Because the pioneer father kept on taking his family to explore new places.
(2)EVALUATE Would you have enjoyed being a pioneer like the writer? Why or why not?
PRO’S CON’S Yes or no? Be with her family always. Explore new things. Broaden horizons. Learn things from experience … The journey is full of dangers. They sometime risk their life. The journey may be boring. Miss many other pleasures in life. … (3)EXPLAIN What is home in your opinion?
Home is a cozy place. Home is a safe haven. Home is where you may shed tears while smiling. Home is somewhere full of love and happiness. Home is anywhere as long as you stay with the people you love…
5. 语言欣赏(Language Appreciation):体会语言之美
教师带学生简单区分fact(something is true)和opinion(believing something is true)后,请学生说出故事中另他们印象最为深刻的fact和opinion。教师可强调以下事实或观点请学生欣赏(都反映了作者积极乐观的人生态度):
(1)Home was where Pa’s fiddle was hung on the wall. It was wherever Pa put up a shelf for Ma’s china shepherdess. It never got broken.(opinion,P29,由此启发学生体会家的含义) (2)We were poor, but we made the best of what we had.(fact,P30,体会作者在逆境中的积极心态)
(3)It didn’t matter where we were. If we were together, we were happy.(opinion,P30,让学生感受作者对幸福的理解)
6. 拼读练习(Phonics Practising):培养拼读意识,掌握拼读技能
7. 布置作业(Homework) (1)写作(任选一题)
cow now how crab grab see free tree camp lamp shop stop crop wild child deep keep sweep boat float head bread instead deer pioneer fiddle middle huddle follow willow 3