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检 疫 熏 蒸 处 理 基 本 要 求
(General requirements for quarantine fumigation)
1 围(Range)
(This standard specifies the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine fumigation of basic requirements)
This standard applies to the use of methyl bromide, sulfuryl chloride, phosphate fumigant quarantine fumigation, containers and tents and other atmospheric quarantine fumigation
2 规性引用文件(Normative References)
(The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For cited documents with dates, only the dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.)
GB 434 溴甲烷原药(GB 434 Methyl bromide technical)
GB/T 1615 工业二氧化碳(GB/T 1615 Industrial carbon dioxide) GB 5452 56%磷化铝片剂(GB 5452 56% aluminum phosphate tablets) GB7796职业性急性溴甲烷中毒诊断标准及处理原则
(GB7796 Occupational acute methyl bromide poisoning diagnostic criteria and principles)
GB 7797职业性急性磷化氢中毒诊断标准及处理原则
(GB7797 Occupational acute phosphate poisoning diagnostic criteria and principles) GBZ77职业性急性化学物中毒性多器官损害功能综合征诊断标准
(GBZ77 Occupational acute chemical poisoning and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome diagnostic criteria for functional)
People's Republic of China Agricultural Regulations (State Council of the People's Republic of China)
Dangerous chemical safety regulations (State Council of the People's Republic of China)
3 术语和定义(Terms and definitions)
(The following terms and definitions apply to this document) 3.1 检疫熏蒸处理(Quarantine fumigation)
(To prevent the spread of quarantine pests, establishment and (or) diffusion, or reduce the economic impact of regulated non-quarantine pests and the implementation of fumigation)
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3.2 校准(Calibration)
A set of operations having the qualification units, under specified conditions, to determine the magnitude of measuring instruments indicated, the relationship between the standard and the corresponding reproducible values
4基本要求(Basic Requirements )
4.1 检疫熏蒸从业人员(Quarantine fumigation practitioner )
Quarantine fumigation practitioners should be healthy and have a high school degree or above, major technical personnel should have a bachelor's degree, and regular inspection and quarantine institutions, business training and assessment, documented appointment. Quarantine fumigation supervision and management personnel should have a university undergraduate or relevant professional qualification, with a quarantine fumigation relevant expertise and experience, familiar with relevant laws and regulations and quarantine fumigation basic requirements, the use of technical standards and testing equipment and regularly receive relevant professional training. Pregnancy, lactation, menstrual women, eardrum injuries healed, and under 18 year olds are not engaged in the fumigation and quarantine work.
4.2检疫熏蒸药剂(Quarantine fumigation agents)
药剂生产厂家应有工商营业执照、生产许可证和农药登记证,符合《中华人民国农药管理条例》和《危险化学品安全管理条例》相关要求,检疫熏蒸药剂应有产品检验合格证。 溴甲烷熏蒸剂纯度在98%以上,符合GB434要求;磷化铝熏蒸剂包括片剂、丸剂和袋装粉剂,有效含量为56%,磷化铝片剂应符合GB5452要求;磷化镁有效含量为66%;硫酰氟纯度不低于95%;环氧乙烷、二氧化碳混合熏蒸剂,混合比例为质量比3:7;二氧化碳纯度在98%以上,符合GB/T 1615 要求;药剂储存、运输、管理应符合《危险化学品安全管理条例》和《中华人民国农药管理条例》等国家相关规定要求。
Pharmaceutical manufacturers should have business license, production license and registration certificate of pesticides and should follow the relevant requirements of \China Pesticide Management Regulations\and \chemical safety regulations\ quarantine fumigation agents should be product inspection certificate.
The purity of methyl bromide fumigation agent is more than 98%, which meets the requirements of GB434. Aluminum phosphate tablets, including pills and bagged powder, the effective content is 56%, aluminum phosphate tablets should meet GB5452 requirements; The effective content of magnesium phosphate was 66%; sulfuryl fluoride with a purity of not less than 95%; ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide mixture of fumigant, mixing ratio for the quality ratio of 3:7; carbon dioxide purity above 98%, in line with the requirements of GB / T 1615; Drug storage, transportation, management should comply with the relevant provisions of the State \regulations\ . . . . .
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4.3规性文件(Normative documents)
Rules and regulations of the State Administration of quality supervision, inspection and Quarantine of animal and plant quarantine.
4.4检疫熏蒸设施(Fumigation and quarantine facilities)
4.4.1检疫熏蒸场地(Quarantine fumigation site)
Quarantine fumigation site should be as far as possible in the shelter, the ground level of the premises, and can be effectively isolated from the surrounding environment ;The safe distance should meet the relevant standards or requirements for the safe distance around the fumigation place. Quarantine fumigation try to avoid the high-voltage lines, canals and lightning-prone areas; Fumigation operations shall be set up obvious sign warning to avoid unprotected personnel enter the danger zone.
4.4.2 检疫熏蒸设施(Fumigation and quarantine facilities)
Quarantine fumigation, tents, containers and other quarantine fumigation facilities should have good air tightness and ensure fumigation process gas concentration reaches the relevant technical requirements; Exposure to the parts of the fumigation agent should be the use of corrosion-resistant materials to ensure that the quarantine fumigation facilities can be used repeatedly; when necessary, to respond to quarantine fumigation facilities for air tightness test.
4.5检疫熏蒸设备(Quarantine fumigation equipment )
4.5.1 投药设备
The use of methyl bromide and other non slow-release fumigant sulfuryl fluoride fumigation should be equipped with dosing equipment,the equipment should include suitable fumigant quantitative device and fumigants to gaseous form into fumigation facility, the equipment to deal with fumigation agent with good tolerance. Methyl bromide dosing device should be included in the carburetor which should at least be able to display the temperature of the gas fumigant vaporized. In the administration process, the fumigant gas vaporizer outlet temperatures not lower than . . . . .