【期刊名称】《中国实用医刊》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)016
【摘要】Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of two sclera flaps package hydroxyapatite orbital implanted in muscle cone. Methods For the 33 patients(33 eyes),stage I hydroxyapatite was implanted after evisceration,optic nerve was excised,the hydroxyapatite was implant into muscle cone, with two sclera flaps packaged,just like hat cover on it. Results Patients were followed-up for 4-18 months. Thirty-three cases were excellent with satisfactory appearance and movement,and there was no hydroxyapatite exposure or other complications. Conclusions The surgery of two sclera flaps package hydroxyapatite orbital implanted in muscle cone is successful without destruction of extraocular muscles, and can prevent the hydroxyapatite exposure. The method is simple and has less complications,so is wor-thy promoting.%目的:对巩膜两瓣法包裹羟基磷灰石义眼座( HA)肌锥内植入的临床疗效进行评估。方法33例(33眼)视功能丧失患者行眼内容物剜除后剪断视神经,将巩膜分开成两瓣,肌锥内I期HA义眼座植入,将两瓣巩膜对位缝合扣盖于义眼座上。结果随访4~18个月,所有患者结膜愈合好,未出现HA义眼座暴露、感染、移位等并发症。义眼转动功能良好,眼窝饱满,外形基本对称。结