【期刊名称】《计算机仿真》 【年(卷),期】2013(030)004
【摘要】Research the timeliness of sailing ship motion estimation. This paper put forward a maximum likelihood estimation method which was used to complete the waves timely forecast. According to the characteristics of ship motion that is a narrowband stable random process, the ship motion time series was acquired, and the movement of the vessel at the cross spectrum was taken as the constraint conditions, the maximum likelihood estimate was used to extract the connotative motion estimation signals. Experimental results show that this method can quickly obtaind sailing ship motion estimation signals, and timely complete the sea wave forecast.%研究航行中的船舶运动估计及时性不高的问题.由于在海上航行的船舶受海浪运动的随机性和多向性影响,船舶的运动估计信号较复杂且难于提取.传统的方法是从船舶的运动交叉谱中逐一计算提取运动估计信号,存在计算量过大不能及时预报海浪的问题.为解决上述问题,提出了最大似然估计法完成海浪及时预报.根据船舶运动是窄带平稳随机过程的特点,采集船舶的实时横摇、纵摇、垂摇运动时间序列,并将船舶的运动交叉谱作为约束条件,采用最大似然估计法提取出隐含的运动估计信号,避免传统方法对交叉谱的逐一大量计算,然后利用船舶运动估计结果完成海浪的预报.实验表明,提出的方法能够快速获取航行船舶的运动估计信号,可及时完成海浪的预报.