【期刊名称】《制冷与空调(四川)》 【年(卷),期】2011(025)004
【摘要】中央空调系统的冷水机组产生大量的低品位冷凝热,对其进行回收的节能环保意义明显。提出了两种利用冷凝热回收制备生活热水的方案,对它们各自特点及局限、控制原理做了较为详尽的阐述,并对我国冷凝热回收发展做了展望。%The central air conditioning system produces a large number significance in the aspect of the energy-saving and environmental protection. condensing heat to produce low temperature, gives a detailed description to their and also forecasts the trend of the condensing heat recovery in our country of low-grade condensation heat, so it has great Put forward two kinds of program which used characteristics, limitations, and their control theory. 【总页数】3页(374-376)
【关键词】冷凝热;热回收;蓄热水箱;控制原理 【作者】习红军;赵登育
【作者单位】西安科技大学,西安710054;西安科技大学,西安710054 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TU83 【相关文献】
1.冷水机组冷凝热回收和利用 [J], 万月华