一、 教学目标
1. 学会谈论或人们正在做什么。 2. 现在进行时和一样现在时的咨询答 3. 能就发生的事做现场报道。 二、 教学向导 语 言 目 标 ? ---What are you doing? ---I’m doing my homework. ? ---Do you want to go swimming? ---Yes, I do. ? --When do you want to go? ---At three o’clock. 语 言 结 构 ? 现在进行时 ?一样疑咨询句及其简单答语
三、 主题词表:
Action words: 四、主题思维图及任务型活动
语 言 功 能 ? 谈论人们正在干什么 ? 通过合作学习,启发学 生思维,培养学生的合作精神。 学习策略与思维技巧 ? watching, doing, eating, cleaning, playing, swimming, shopping, reading ? pool, school, mall, library 跨学科学习 肢体语言的表现力 重 点 词 汇 What are you doing? doing, watching, eating, cleaning, playing, swimming, I’m shopping, readingwatching TV. Places: pool, school, mall, library Task One: Guessing Task Two: Invitations Task Three: Seeing a movie
五、可供教师选择的任务活动 Sample 1 做汇报:你在做什么?
让学生讲讲现在此刻他们都在做什么。老师可利用提咨询,引导学生使用现在进行时。 Teacher :We are having English class. Can you tell me what you are doing? 操作建议:
1. 让学生就老师的咨询题回答他们正在做什么。
2. 老师把学生的回答写在黑板上。让学生体会现在进行时的用法。 Examples:
Jack is listening to me. / Mary is standing. / Tom is looking at the blackboard. / Nancy is thinking. / Nina is writing. etc. 完成任务所需要的语言结构: 1. What are you doing? I’m listening to you.
2. What is he / she doing? He / She is looking at the blackboard.
Sample 2 介绍自己的作品
Teacher:I’d like you to draw some pictures about your life. Then introduce them to the others.
1. 给学生几分钟,让他们画出自己想表达的场景。
2. 等大部分学生画好后,让他们互相介绍自己的画。告诉大伙儿他/她正在做什么。 完成任务所需要的语言结构:
1. In the picture, I am reading English at home.
2. Look at the picture. It’s my family. My mother is cooking. My father is reading a newspaper.
And I’m doing my homework.
3. They are my friends Frank and Ted. We are in the park. Frank is flying a kite. Ted is looking
at him. I’m taking photos.
Sample 3 制作影集
要求学生回家后整理一些自己的照片,制作自己的影集。并在照片下写上介绍的话。 Teacher: I’d like you to make a photo album. Please collect some of your photos after class. Then write down what you were doing in the photos. 操作建议:
1. 要求学生回家后制作自己的影集。 2. 翌日把做好的影集带到学校来。 3. 跟同学互换影集观赏,并做相应的介绍。 完成任务所需要的语言结构: I’m doing….
Sample 4 做调查:打电话询咨询同学正在做什么
Teacher: I’d like you to call up three of your friends this evening. Please ask what he / she is doing.
1. 给学生布置一项作业:打电话。
2. 让学生打完电话后,将其记录下来,如下表: