Pre-stack seismic waveform inversion based on
adaptive genetic algorithm
LIU Sixiu;WANG Deli;HU Bin
【期刊名称】《世界地质(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2019(022)003
【摘要】Pre-stack waveform inversion, by inverting seismic information, can estimate subsurface elastic prop-erties for reservoir characterization, thus effectively guiding exploration.In recent years, nonlinear inversion methods, such as standard genetic algorithm, have been extensively adopted in seismic inversion due to its sim-plicity, versatility, and robustness.However,
shortcomings, such as slow convergence rate and easiness to fall into local optimum.In order to overcome these problems, the authors present a new adaptive genetic algorithm for seismic inversion, in which the selection adopts regional equilibri-um and elite retention strategies are adopted, and adaptive operators are used in the crossover and mutation to implement local search.After applying this method to pre-stack seismic data, it is found that higher quality in-version results can be achieved within reasonable running time. 【总页数】11页(188-198) 【关键词】
【作者】LIU Sixiu;WANG Deli;HU Bin
Pre-stack seismic waveform inversion based on adaptive genetic algorithm