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A. have changed B. changed

C. have exchanged D. exchanged

37. My pronunciation isn’t ( ) enough to make myself understood.. A. absolute B. accurate C. amused D. detailed

38. Chinese ( ) are not written with an alphabet, making it very hard for a lot of Westerners to remember. A. names B. foods

C. characteristics D. characters

39. Were it be rainy tomorrow, we ( ) the activities. A. will cancel B. would cancel C. had cancelled D. cancel

40. She ( ) quite a lot for such a young age. A. has expensed B. expensed C. experience

D. has experienced

41. When I returned home, I found I had ( ) the wrong suitcase. A. taken off B. taken up C. looked out D. picked up

42. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ( ) today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time. A. are to challenge B. may be challenged C. have been challenged D. are challenging

43. The teacher ( ) us so much homework that almost every one of us felt discouraged. A. assigned B. delivered C. distributed D. scattered

44. The more attention you put in your study, ( ) the study will be.

A. more easier

B. the more easier C. the easier D. easier as

45. We sincerely invite you as the ( ) character of the play. A. first B. important C. main D. leading

46. If you refuse my suggestion, you will regret( ). A. sooner or later B. now and then C. time and time D. in or out

47. The poster is about the opening ( ) of the new training center. A. meeting B. ritual C. ceremony D. gathering

48. It is in this university ( ) Prof. Jackson established his famous theory. A. which B. that C. where D. what

49. The ( )high for tomorrow is forty-five degrees Fahrenheit. A. predict B. predicted C. predicting D. prediction

50. When I returned home, I found I had ( ) the wrong suitcase. A. taken off B. taken up C. looked out D. picked up

51. Many Chinese who have spoken with me always say that my pronunciation is just like that of a ( ) A. native B. national C. nation D. nave

52. I’d better check in my luggage quickly ( ) I’d miss my flight. A. and B. so

C. or D. to

53. The basketball game come to us ( ) from New York. A. live B. alive C. lively D. living

54. I don’t know how to express my thanks. -- ( ) A. it’s my pressure B. The pleasure is mine. C. Nice to meet. D. No, not.

55. ( ) find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. A. Enable to B. Enable C. Unable to D. Unable

56. Anyone, ( ) is really late for a social activity, should apologize to those who have already been there. A. whom B. what C. which D. who

57. Ahead of me I saw a woman ( ) I thought was my aunt. A. Who B. Whom C. of whom D. whose

58. Look at the muddy road here. It ( )( ) last night. A. could have rained B. must have rained C. would have rained D. should have rained

59. The movie was very boring and only ( ) people finished it. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little

60. First aid ( ) is quite useful in traveling. A. box B. kit

C. container D. cage

二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 4 小题,每小题 10 分) 1. During the summer holidays there will be a revised ( 修改过的 ) schedule of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside of the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged, will be posted each Wednesday outside of the student club.

In the summer holidays, buses going to the town center will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00 pm on weekends. The library will continue its usual hours during the week, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 pm. All students who want to use the library borrowing services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next week''s student newspaper.(1). The main purpose of this announcement is to ( )

A. tell students of important schedule changes B.

tell students of new bus and library services C.

show the excellent services for students D.

ask students to renew their library cards

(2). At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall? ( ) A. 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 B.

8:30,9:30, 10:30, 11:30 C.

8:30,9:00, 9:30, 10:00 D.

8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30

(3). Times for films and concerts are not listed in this announcement because ( ) A. they are not to be announced B.

they are posted outside of the student club C.

the full list is not ready D. ?

the full list is too long

(4). In the summer holidays, the library will have ( ) A. no special hours B.

special hours on weekdays C.

special hours on weekends D.

special hours both on weekdays and weekends

(5). We may infer that during the summer holidays ( ) A. the student newspaper will sell more copies B.

there will be a concert or a film once a week C.

many students will stay in the university D.

no breakfast will be served on weekend

2. During the 19th century, scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a person were hurt, he would lose the power of doing certain things. And so people thought that each part of the brain does a different job. But modem research discovered that this is not so, for it is not easy to show exactly what each part of the brain does.

In the past fifty years there has been a great increase in the amount of research done on the brain. Scientists have found out the way the brain works is not so simple as people in general may think. Chemists fell us that about 100 000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second. Some recent researches also suggest that we can remember everything that happens to us. We, may not be able to think of the things we have heard and seen, but it is kept there in the storehouse ( 宝库 ) of the human brain. Earlier scientists thought that is not true. As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise, it keeps its power. It has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has only done physical work without using much of his brain.(1). In the 19th century, scientist found that a person would lose the power to do certain things ( ) A. when he got weaker in health B.

if certain parts of his brain were hurt C.

after he did a quite different job D.

when he grew older

(2). Scientists today are still unable to show exactly ( ). A. what each part of the brain is doing B.

how many chemical changes take place in the brain each second C.

whether each part of the brain does the same job D.

which part of the brain is the most important

(3). It has been found that one's brain usually works ( ). A. faster when he is old B.



