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业设计(论文题目: A科技公司偿债能力分析 二级学院:


班 级: 学 生: 指导教师:

年 月 日




设计(论文)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日



设计(论文)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 指 导 教 师 签 名: 日期: 年 月 日

摘 要



关键词: 偿债能力;财务报表;A科技公司


Analysis of solvency of Science and Technology company A

Student: Teacher:

Abstract:Every enterprise will face debt management, debt is also the way for capital enterprises to source rice.Reasonable debt management and good financial leverage effect will bring a lot of profits to the enterprise.So solvency becomes a measure of the ability of an enterprise whether it is an important indicator of long-term and reasonable operation also provides the protection ability for the operators and creditors of the enterprise, and plays an important role in providing protection to the operators and creditors of the enterprise. The function of prevention is a necessary condition for the analysis of financial situation in modern enterprises.

In the evaluation of enterprise performance, solvency is not only one of the important aspects of its evaluation, but also the determination of the financial status of the enterprise,the key to good or not.The evaluation and analysis of the solvency of enterprises should also become the elements of financial analysis. The level of power is related to the sustainable management ability of the company. Take an A technology company as an example, through access to various information.With the various academic reports and literature on the analysis of solvency on the reading website, this paper studies the various kinds of analysis of repayment ability.The competent party can explain the financial situation of the company and its work. To make an analysis of the ability of enterprises to pay for them, and to treat enterprises correctly.This paper analyzes the existing problems and the causes of the problems in the company through the analysis of the solvency of the industry, and studies the existing problems through the study of the existing problems.This paper analyzes and puts forward the corresponding measures, which plays an important role in the future operation of the company.

Key words: Solvency;Financial statements;A Technology Company


目 录

摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

引 言 ........................................................ 1 一、 偿债能力的基本理论 ...................................... 2

(一) 偿债能力的概念 .............................................. 2

(二) 偿债能力分析的目的 .................................................................................... 2

1.评价企业财务状况 .................................................................................... 2 2.控制企业财务风险 .................................................................................... 2 3.预测企业筹资前景 .................................................................................... 2 4.把握企业财务活动 .................................................................................... 2

(三) 偿债能力分析的指标 .................................................................................... 2

1.短期偿债能力分析指标 ............................................................................ 2 2.长期偿债能力分析指标…………………………………………………2

二、 A科技公司偿债能力现状 ........................................................................ 4

(一) A科技公司简介 ............................................................................................. 4

(二) A科技公司偿债能力现状分析 ..................................................................... 4

1.短期偿债能力指标分析 ...................................... 4 2.长期偿债能力指标分析 ………………………………………………..6

三、 A科技公司偿债能力分析存在的问题 ................................................... 8

(一) 短期偿债能力存在的问题 ............................................................................ 8

1.流动比率较低 ............................................................................................ 8 2.资金流动水平较低………………………………………………………8

(二) 长期偿债能力存在的问题 ............................................................................ 8

1.债务负担加重筹资能力降低……………………………………………8 2.资本结构不合理 ........................................................................................ 8

四、 A科技公司偿债能力分析存在问题的成因 ........................................... 9

(一) 存货积压 变现不强……………………………………………………… 9 (二) 宏观环境中的不确定因素 .......................................................................... 9 (三) 资金管理不够重视 ………………………………………………………9 (四) 经营决策不合理 …………………………………………………………9

五、 提高A科技公司偿债能力对策 ............................................................ 10

(一) 加强企业管理 提高资金利用率 ................................................................ 10




