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摘 要 实验教学是化学专业理论课程学习的一个重要辅助手段,是学科培养高素质创新人才的有效支撑。分析化学实验是分析化学学科的重要组成,对于学生学习分析方法,理解“量”的概念,以及培养学生的动手能力、逻辑思维与创新能力、处理解决问题能力等意义重大。本文结合作者在分析化学实验课程教学中的实践经验,提出一些针对分析化学实验教学方法优化的建议和探讨,旨在提高分析化学实验教学质量,加强学生综合素质培养。 关键词 分析化学 实验教学 教学方法 能力培养
中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2018.01.039 Thinking and Discussion on Analytical Chemistry Experiment Teaching Method XIAO Yan
(College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Wuhan, Hubei 430062)
Abstract Experimental teaching is an important assistant for studying chemistry theoretical courses and an effective support for disciplines to cultivate high-quality creative talents. Analytical chemistry experiment is an important part of analytical chemistry. It is of great significance for students to learn analytical methods, understand the concept of “quantity”, cultivate students’ practical ability, logical thinking and innovative ability, and solve problem-solving skills. In this paper, combining with the practical experience in the teaching of chemistry experiment teaching, the author puts forward some suggestions and discussions on the optimization of analytical chemistry experiment teaching methods, aimed at improving the quality of analytical chemistry experiment teaching and enhancing students’ overall quality cultivation.
Keywords analytical chemistry; experimental teaching; teaching methods; ability training 分析化学是高等院校化学、药学、生命科学、资源环境等专业的一门重要基础课程,是一门理论性强、实用性广的课程,不仅是科学研究的重要基础,同时与我们日常生产生活密不可分,如食品药品中成分含量分析,环境污染物及有害物质监测,临床医学疾病诊断等都离不开分析化学学科。良好的分析化学知识基础及学科素养对于化学及相关专业从业人员适应现代社会需求,承担社会使命具有不可或缺的意义。随着分析化学学科的迅速发展和高等教育改革的不断深入,大学实验课程教学的重要性越来越凸显,分析化学实验课程教学与理论课程教学紧密联系,相辅相成。实验课的开展对于学生在理论学习之余,加强基础知识的理解消化,实现