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内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 课时跟踪练(一) Introduction & Reading — Pre-reading



“Football is a very short-term career. Football really prepares you for almost nothing. The only thing I got out of football was the ability to work hard,” says Gales Sayers. So what do you do after your glory days on the field are over? Here's what one of the top players, Gales Sayers, did after he_put_down_the_pigskin.

Gales Sayers: 40, Chicago Bears, Running Back.

Gales Sayers became famous in 1965. After recovering from a serious knee injury in 1968, Sayers returned to the Bears in 1969 and was awarded the George Halas Award as “the most courageous player in professional football”. At the award ceremony, he owed his prize to his friend and teammate Brian Piccolo who was dying of cancer.

Sayers couldn't get away from the injuries, though, and another blow to his knee put an end to his football career in 1971. His personal life was unfortunate as well, as he and his wife, Linda, split up that year. Shortly after that, Sayers started a new life and career as an assistant athletic director in the University of Kansas. By 1976 he was moving up the ladder at Southern Illinois University, becoming the first African-American athletic director at a major university.

Sayers started a computer supplies company in 1984 with his second wife, Ardie, whom he married in 1973. The couple was looking for a field with a future, and computers seemed to have it all. Seventeen years later, the company that bears his name is a national provider of technology solutions, with 10 locations and over 350 employees across the country. Just like in the old days the honors started rolling in. Sayers was listed into the Chicago Area Entrepreneurship (企业家) Hall of Fame in 1999.


1.What does the underlined sentence “he put down the pigskin” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.Sayers ended his football career. B.Sayers was too tired to go on playing. C.Sayers intended to start a new career.


D.Sayers only wanted to test for some time.

解析:选A 句意猜测题。前句“after your glory days on the field are over”指辉煌过后,下文叙述的也是他足球生涯结束后的发展,所以A项正确。

2.How many times was Sayers honored in his life? A.Only once as a football star. B.Only once as a businessman. C.Twice in all.

D.We are not quite sure.

解析:选C 推理判断题。通读全文可总结出他第一次是获得足球职业中的“the George Halas Award”,第二次是获得“Chicago Area Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame”,故选C。

3.Sayers started his new career mainly because of _______? A.the first knee injury in 1968 B.his unfortunate personal life C.another more serious knee injury D.a friend's being deadly ill

解析:选C 推理判断题。由第四段第一句中的“another blow to his knee put an end to his football career”可知,膝盖再次受伤导致他足球生涯的终结,这也是他新事业的开始。

4.What can be learned from this passage?

A.Football players are not successful all the time. B.A successful businessman should be a ball player first. C.A retired football player can easily make money. D.Whatever you do, working hard is the most important.

解析:选D 主旨大意题。本文通过Sayers从辉煌的足球明星到成功企业家的发展经历,旨在说明努力奋斗的重要性。


Betty Skelton was often called “The First Lady of Firsts” because of the many records she set. She grew up in Pensacola, Florida, watching airplanes flying to and from a nearby navy base. As a child, she persuaded her parents to let her take flying lessons. By 12, Betty made her first flight alone, though not legally permitted to do so until she turned 16.

During the 1940s, female pilots were mostly prevented from commercial and military flying. So Betty Skelton decided to use her flight skills


in aerobatics (特技飞行), performing difficult turns, drops, and other exercises. She began performing and competing around the country.

She won the International Feminine Aerobatic Championship (IFAC) for three years in a row, starting in 1948. She and her little Pitts Special plane the “Little Stinker” became famous.

Dorothy Cochrane is an aviation expert who once studied and worked with Betty Skelton. “Betty was such a wonderful aerobatic pilot that she really set the bar high for other women to follow and she was a great role model for them. She really was as good as some of the men.”

Once Ms. Skelton had made her mark on flying, she moved on to race cars, becoming the first female test driver in the race car industry. She set several land speed records. She also set a cross-country record, driving from New York to California in under 57 hours. And she became one of the top women advertising experts working with General Motors in support of the company's Corvette car.

Ms. Skelton died in August, 2011, at the age of 85. Visitors to the Washington area can see her “Little Stinker” plane at the National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. The small red and white plane hangs high in the air above the entrance to the museum.

语篇解读:Betty Skelton 是一位非常了不起的女性。12岁时已经能独自驾驶飞机;从1948年开始她蝉联“国际女性特技锦标赛冠军”三年;后来她又转向赛车行业。

5.What can we learn from the first paragraph? A.Betty Skelton was the First Lady of the US. B.16 was the legal age for people to fly an airplane. C.Betty became a navy pilot when she was 16.

D.Betty's parents didn't support her flying interest.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,能够驾驶飞机的法定年龄是16岁。

6.What happened to Betty Skelton in 1950? A.She moved on to race cars. B.She became an aerobatic pilot. C.She was 20 years old.

D.She won the IFAC for the third time.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,Betty Skelton 从1948 年开始连



7.What can we know from the words by Dorothy Cochrane?

A.It is not easy for other women to break Betty Skelton's records. B.She was even more excellent than some men in skills.

C.It is difficult for other women to reach the height Betty Skelton flew to. D.Betty Skelton is an inspiring role model for pilots worldwide.

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“she really set the bar high for other women to follow”可推知,她认为其他女性很难打破 Betty Skelton 所创的记录。

8.What is the correct order of the events that happened in the passage? a.Betty won the International Feminine Aerobatic Championship. b.Betty became an advertising expert. c.Betty made her first flight alone. d.Betty began her aerobatic performance. e.Betty became the first female test driver. A.a→b→c→d→e C.c→d→a→e→b

B.a→e→b→c→d D.c→b→d→a→e

解析:选C 细节理解题。做这类事实细节排序题可采用“首尾定位法”,首先判断第一件事情是c,然后确定最后一件事情是b,由此可以确定答案为C项。


Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football's greatest receivers. He played every down (进攻) as if it was his last. Though he had made great achievements, Terry's memories of his playing days have been completely lost.

It was in the summer of 1988 after he retired from playing that his career in sales was taking off. One day in July, Terry, on his way home from work, had a terrible car accident. He was knocked unconscious, and within minutes he was rushed to the nearby hospital.

Three weeks later, he woke up. However, it became obvious that Terry's injuries were far more serious than whatever damage had been done to his body. A lifetime of memories had been completely wiped clean. He had been all but reduced to the level of a baby; everything from his ability to talk and walk to his understanding of what it meant to be a husband and a father was all gone.

At age 44, Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again. Luckily he had the support of his family, helped by small victories and a renewed bond between him and


his three daughters like when they taught him how to play football again.

In 1992, his recovery really began to pick up steam. It has taken years to rebuild his shattered (破碎的) life, but today, more than 20 years since his playing days, Terry is a popular public speaker. He tells his inspiring story of perseverance (坚持不懈) and courage. “Never forget, we're all in this game of life together. We will get to the finish line, one day at a time, one moment at a time, but celebrate the journey. Seize today, because yesterday is gone and is never coming back.” As the subject of the most watched Canadian movie of 2005, The Man Who Lost Himself, Evanshen says his family has been his most important treasure. He refuses to be a victim saying he is a survivor.


9.In 1988, Evanshen was ________. A.a businessman C.a football player

B.a public speaker

D.a father of two daughters

解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“It was in the summer of 1988 after he retired from playing that his career in sales was taking off.”可知,Evanshen曾经是一位优秀的橄榄球运动员,但退役之后,他成为了一名销售人员。

10.After the car accident happened, what was the worst thing for Evanshen? A.He would never drive again. B.He couldn't stand up any more.

C.He lost his memory and all his ability. D.He suffered a serious physical injury.

解析:选C 细节理解题。Evanshen遭遇了可怕的车祸,三周后才醒过来。根据第三段可知,车祸给特里造成的影响,远不止身体上的伤害。他失去了所有的记忆,甚至是倒退到了婴儿的认知水平。

11.What's the best title for the text? A.A Great Football Player B.What's Persevering Person Like? C.The Man Who Lost Himself D.Terry Evanshen's Life

解析:选C 标题归纳题。本文介绍的是一个橄榄球星退役后遭遇失忆,之后他又凭借毅力获得成功的励志故事。选项C巧妙地借用了文中的电影名来概括该故事的核心内容,是标题的不二之选,而其余几项相比较而言,内容不够全面而且标题平淡,故选C项。




