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1. Scenario : A single tier WebLogic cluster is configured with six Managed Servers. An Enterprise application is deployed to the cluster with a web application and EJBs packaged in the same EAR file. An EAR file is being deployed to the cluster using two-phase deployment. Which of the following is true if one of the Managed Servers is NOT started in the cluster?

A. First and second phase deployment will be completed on all remaining instances in the cluster. B. First phase deployment will not be completed on the remaining instances in the cluster.

C. First phase deployment will be completed but the second phase will not be completed on the remaining instances in the cluster.

D. First and second phase deployment will not be completed if enforceClusterConstraints is set to true for the Deployer. E. Both a and d Answer: E

2. Which of the following statements are true for built-in roles in the WebLogic Server Administration console? Choose two. 下列哪个陈述是真实的,在角色的构建WebLogic服务器管理控制台?选择两个。 A. Users who belong to the Operator role can deploy the applications.

B. Users who belong to the Monitor role can view the server configuration, except for the encrypted attributes. 用户属于监控角色可以查看服务器的配置,除了加密属性。 C. Users who belong to the Admin role cannot deploy applications.

D. Only users who belong to the Admin role can start, stop, and resume the server. E. Users who belong to the Admin role can modify the entire server configuration. Answer: BE

3. Scenario : Consider an upgrade requirement from pre-WebLogic Server 10.x to the WebLogic Server

10.x. Since the administration scripts in the prior version used WebLogic Ant tasks for creation and deployment, the team decides to use the Ant build.xml approach and extend this to the current version of the server.

场景:考虑升级要求从preWebLogic Server 10. x 10. x的WebLogic服务器。自管理脚本之前版本使用WebLogic的Ant任务,创建和部署,团队决定使用Ant build . xml方法和扩展到当前版本的服务器

Which of the following about the Ant task wlserver is INCORRECT?

A. wlserver can be used to start, reboot or shut down server instances. B. wlserver can be used to connect to existing server instances.

C. wlserver can be used to create a multiple server domain configuration. wlserver可以用来创建多个服务器域配置。 D. wlserver can be used to create a single server domain and to connect to the server. Answer: C

4. Click on the Exhibit button.

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