A sonnet is a one-poem of 14 lines, written in iambic pentameter. (1) Petrarchan sonnet or Italian sonnet( abba abba cde cde ) (2) Shakespeare sonnet ( abab cdcd efef gg ) (3) Spenserian sonnet ( abab bcbc cdcd ee ) ·What is verseverse is the poetic sentence,line
It is made up of one foot or more than one. Briefly speaking it is called a poetic sentence.
·How to keep a rhyme in a poem
1) Keep an end rhyme ( It can be divided into four forms. )
(1) The first form is to keep a single rhyme (Sometimes it is called a masculine rhyme or a male rhyme. )
(2) The second form is to keep a double rhyme (Sometimes it is called a feminine rhyme or a female rhyme. ) . (3) The third form is to keep a triple rhyme. (4) The fourth form is to keep an eye rhyme. 2) Keep a head rhyme 3) Keep an internal rhyme ·Blank verse:Unrhymed verse 6
v1.0 可编辑可修改 ·Three features of blank verses
1) They do not keep any rhymes, but they are the poems with some meter. 2) They can be long or short.
3) Their feet in each line are not uniform. ·Common Figures of Speech Used in English Poetry
Use of simile and repetition/head-rhymed (alliteration) /metapher/ parallelism/ personification / speaking silence, dumb confession / paradox 矛盾修饰法/hyperbole,overstatement exaggeration/ metonymy借代转喻 · Stylistic Features in Fiction Two points of view(Two perspectives)
1) Use singular or plural number of the third person ------ as a narrator or a story-teller to narrate some plots in a novel.
Notes: a. Most of writers or novelists like to use this perspective. b. The effect of using this perspective is “ objective ”. 2) Use singular or plural number of the first person ------ as one of the characters to narrate some plots in a novel.
Note: In this way it will make readers think that it is really a true story and there is no trace of make-up.
·The dialogs in novels
1) Some useful informal words 2) Some common slangs ·Direct and indirect speeches in novels
1) Sometimes some novelists like to use direct speech in order to make a psychological description in narrating plots in a novel.
2) Sometimes some novelists like to use indirect speech in order to make a thought presentation in narrating plots in a novel. ·How to analyze a literary masterpiece
1) Use a way of rhetorical analysis. 2) Use a way of syntactical analysis. Chapter 10 Common Expressing Styles in English Passages · What is the ornate style
In the ornate style, people like to use some modifiers, such as adjectives, adverbs, etc, and use some rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, etc. In syntax, people like to use long sentences and some sentences with a complex structure or a parallel structure.
·What is the plain style
In the plain style, people prefer to use short sentences. People rarely 7
v1.0 可编辑可修改 use big words. People don’t like to use many modifiers. As for syntax, people prefer to use compound sentences.
·Which style is better Simply speaking, it depends. It depends on different occasions.
·What is the involved style
In this style, people usually employ some detailed descriptive device to express something. They often use some specific words for their descriptions.
·What is the terse style
In this style, people usually use brief words and simple-structured sentences which have some profound implied meanings.
·Relationship between Irony and humor:Irony is a language means while humor is an effect.