摘 要
本文采用JSP技术进行Web服务器端的开发,后台结合SQL Server数据库,在MyEclipse开发平台上,实现了基于B/S模式的企业信息管理系统。系统采用了MVC三层架构技术、Hibernate等数据库访问技术,执行效率高,查询速度快。通过该系统,各登录用户可以查看自己本人的已经存在的产品信息,对已经存入的产品信息进行管理,对于自己物品的进货等记录进行修改;系统管理员可以及时对用户的一些信息进行更改,对用户的不法行为进行管理,对用户的订单进行及时的处理。
关键词:JSP超市物品管理系统 B/S
With the information era, both the application of puter network
technology,enterprises have to the process of the development of enterprises, service in daily office and business development, so to speak, an
enterprise'sinformatization level, will directly affect the enterprise in the market
petition.For many small and medium enterprises, how to standardize the management of employee items, reduce their operating costs, enhance the product import
andmanagement is an important issue in the normal operation of an enterprise.Article management system as an important means of
modern enterprisemanagement has penetrated into all walks of life.
This paper adopts JSP technology to Web server, bined with the background SQL Server database, MyEclipse development platform, has realized the
enterprise information management system based on B/S mode.The system uses MVC three layer architecture technology, hibernate database access technology, high efficiency, fast inquiry. Through this system, the usercan view the existing product information to their own, to carry on the management to the already stored in the product information, for your goodspurchase record is modified; the system administrator can make changes touser information, the management of the
user's illegal behavior, on customer orders in a timely manner processing.
System test shows that the system meets the requirements, design, by using this system, can be more timely, efficient management of information.
Keywords: information management system based on JSP B/S
摘要- 1 - 第一章前言- 4 -
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义- 4 - 1.2 国内外发展现状- 4 - 1.3 可行性分析- 5 - 1.3.1 经济可行性- 5 - 1.3.2 技术可行性- 5 - 1.3.3 操作可行性- 5 - 1.4 相关技术介绍- 5 - 1.4.1Java Jsp简介- 5 -
1.4.2DAO数据库访问技术- 6 - 第二章系统总体设计- 8 -
2.1 系统总体分析- 8 - 2.2 系统建模- 9 -
2.2.1 用户身份验证用例图- 9 - 2.2.2物品类型模块例图- 10 - 2.2.3 物品详情块例图- 10 -
2.2.4 物品进出管理模块例图- 11 - 2.2.5管理员管理模块用例图- 11 - 第三章数据库设计11
3.1 数据库概念设计11 3.2 数据库逻辑设计12 3.2.1表汇总13
3.2.2用户表-USER_INFO13 3.2.3管理员表-USER14
3.2.4物品类别表-GOODS_CATE14 3.2.5物品详细信息表-GOODS_INFO15 3.2.6物品记录表-REC15 3.3表与表之间的关系16 第四章系统的具体实现17
4.1登录和注册的实现17 4.2 物品类型页面21
4.2.1 物品类型页面的基本操作22 物品插入22 物品类型删除23物品类型修改24 4.2.1 .4物品类型详情25 第五章总结与展望32 致谢33 参考文献33