各个国家的餐桌礼仪介绍 讲到吃的礼节,不同的国家或文化常存在著许多差异,亚洲人认为挺礼貌的举动,欧洲人见了可能感到很不文雅,所以很多时候并不是我们举止粗鲁,而是不了解当地的文化所导致的。为了避免因为不了解而产生的误会,下面是为大家准备的各个国家的餐桌礼仪,希望可以帮助大家! 各个国家的餐桌礼仪 Britain
Always: Eat with your fork in your left hand and knife in your right.
Never: Speak with your mouth full. 英国
√左手持叉,右手持刀。 ×说话时嘴里塞满了食物。 Denmark
Always: Place your fork downwards on a plate if you want seconds.
Never: Take the last item on any given plate. You must continue to halve it until only crumbs are left. 丹麦
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×取走盘中最后一份食物。若盘中留下一人份时,可考虑分而食之。 Japan
Always: Indulge in slurping. It is considered polite. Never: Pour yourself a drink. It is tradition to pour drinks for one another. 日本
×自己倒饮料。食客为彼此倒饮料,才符合传统习俗。 Thailand
Always: Consider meals as a social event where only the person perceived as the riches pays.
Never: Leave your chopsticks in the bowl. It symbolises death. 泰国
√饭局其实是个社交场合,最有钱的那个自然会买单。 ×将筷子插在碗中,那很不吉利。 Mexico
Always: Wait for your host to say ‘Buen Provecho’ (Enjoy your meal) before eating.
Never: Arrive on time. Arrive 30 minutes late, if not later.
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√等主人说完“用餐愉快”(Buen Provecho)后,再开始吃喝。
×准时赴宴。迟到30分钟以上,并不为过。 Middle East
Always: Eat your meal in silence. Never: Pass food with your left hand. 中东
√用餐时保持安静。 ×用左手递食物。 Germany
Always: Cut as much food as possible with your fork to compliment the cook that the food is tender. Never: Cut lettuce in a salad. Fold it with a fork. 德国
×吃沙拉时切生菜。食客不妨用餐叉叉起食用。 Mongolia
Always: Keep your palm facing up when holding cups. Never: Spill milk or dairy products. It is considered bad luck.
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