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International Marketing Terms Defination


1. Define the following terms:

international marketing P9

International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company's goods and service to Consumer or users in more than one nation for a profit.

controllable/uncontrollable elements P10

The elements of business environment which under/beyond the the control of companies.

domestic/foreign uncontrollables P11

Aspects of the domestic/foreign environment that are beyond the control of companies

SRC Self-Reference Criterion P14

An unconscious reference to one's own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decision.

Ethnocentrism P14

The notion that people in one’s own company, culture, or country knows best how to do things.

Global Awareness P16

Tolerance of cultural difference and knowledge of cultures, history, world market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends.

2. Define


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: (1) trade shall be conducted on a non-discriminatory Basis; (2) protection shall be afforded domestic industries

through customs tariffs, not through such commercial measures as import quotas; (3) consultation shall be the primary method used to solve global trade problems.


World Trade Organization


International Monetary Fund: Stabilize foreign exchange rates, facilitate the expansion and balance growth of international trade.


Economic and Monetary Union: A provision of the Maastricht Treaty, established the parameters of the creation of a common currency for the EU, the euro,and established a timetable for its implemention.


North American Free Trade Agreement: Market access, Nontariff barriers, Rules of origin,Customs administration, Investment, Service, Intellectual property,Government property, Government procurement, Standards.

ASEAN + 3 P42

Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China, Japan, and South Korea: To deal with trade and monetary issues facing Asia.


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: is a forum, far from being a free trade

area.Common goals as to open trade, to increase economic collaboration, to sustain regional growth and development,to strengthen the multilateral trading system and to reduce barriers to investment and trade without detriment to other economics.

BEMs P49

big emerging markets: A small core of countries that account for more than half of the world trade growth over the next two decades, these country are identified as BEMs. See their important traits at Page 49, 50.


Bottom-of-the-pyramid market: A new concept introduced into the discussion of developing countries and markets. They are not defined by national borders but rather by the pockets of poverty across countries.

3. Define the following terms:

Manifest Destiny P62

Basis of U.S. Foreign policy: Americans were a chosen people ordained by God to create a model society. More superficially, it referred to the territorial expansion of the U.S. from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Monroe Doctrine P62

A cornerstone of early U.S. Foreign policy, proclaiming three basic dicta: no further European colonization in the New world, abstention of the Unite States from European political affairs, and nonintervention of European governments in the governments of the Western Hemisphere.

Roosevelt Corollary P62

Monroe Doctrine with an extension applied by Roosevelt: Not only would the U.S. Prohibit non-American intervention in Latin American affairs, but it would also police the area and guarantee that Latin American nations met their international obligations.

Sustainable development P68

A joined approach among those (governments),businesses, environmentalists, and the others) who seek economic growth with \ distribution of benefits and reduction of negative efforts on people and the environments from the process of economic grows\

4. Define the following terms



