Computer and Modernization
【期刊名称】《计算机与现代化》 【年(卷),期】2016(000)011
【摘要】To address the problem that the node ranking algorithm only takes node’ s computing resources and neighbor’ s band-width resources into consideration, this paper proposed a novel virtual network embedding algorithm based on node’ s multiple at-tributes ranking. This algorithm takes advantage of node’ s multiple attributes to measure the node’ s importance, in order to make the adjacent virtual nodes mapping onto the adjacent substrate nodes, to accomplish the node mapping stage through the breadth first search of graph, to finish the link mapping stage using the K-shortest path algorithm. Simulation results show that, the pro-posed algorithm can improve the acceptance ratio of virtual network requests and revenue/cost ( R/C) ratio.%传统虚拟网络映射算法中,对节点的度量只考虑节点的计算资源和邻边的带宽资源,针对这种方法的不足,本文提出一种基于节点多特征评价的虚拟网络映射算法。该算法利用节点的多种特征来度量节点的重要性,为了使相邻的虚拟节点映射到的物理节点也相邻,利用图的广度优先遍历算法来完成虚拟节点的映射过程,最后采用K-最短路径算法完成虚拟链路的映射过程。仿真实验结果表明,该算法提高了虚拟网络请求的接受率和收益/成本比。
Computer and Modernization