5’ 语音 1’ 巩固 Have we got any eggs? 层次基础的同学只 Would you like to have 要掌握3,层次较 some bread? 高的同学得掌握4 4. 补充Key Sentences: What’s for breakfast? I’d like the vegetable soup to start with. Can I take your order now? Would you like anything to drink? Pronunciation Exercise 1.在food, noodle中oo字母 组合下划线,让同学注意其认真想想,并总结发音,即/u:/. 让同学发挥智带有oo字母组合慧的力量,想想还有哪些单的单词及其发音。 词也有oo字母组合,再仔 细读读看,它们是否都发 /u:/? 2. 请两位基础较好的同学与其余把自己的答案 大家分享,适当给予肯定 与两位同学的答案 和补充。 进行对比总结,提 出问题。 3. 总结oo字母组合一般有两 种发音,即/u:/和/u/,一般 配合老师,如果能 oo后面是k时发/u/,此外, 给予补充就更好 在ould字母组合中,oul一 了。 般也发/u/,引导同学翻到 87页,Listen and repeat.并 特别注意个别容易混淆的 单词。 4. 做两题相关语音练习。 做练习,并提出问 题。 5. 请两个中等层次的同学分享答案,并请同学给予点评。 1. 关于食物方面的名词,即:学生一起与老师复bread, cake, chocolate, 习巩固。 coffee, fruit, juice, noodle, vegetable, milk, egg, jam…及其它有关词汇: 通过学习,使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、探究学习的习惯, 激发学生的学习积极性。体会在活动中学习英语的乐趣。 hungry, fridge等。 2. 就饮食方面的一些交际用语: 1) What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? 2) Have you got any eggs? 3) Would you like to have some bread? 作业 布置作业: 复习巩固课1. 把所学过的关于食物方面堂所学,能的名词,按可数和不可数来应用于生分类。 活,并为下 节课做好预2. 小组合作完成1个就饮食习准备。 方面的简单对话。 3. 预习Page83,下节课请各组把制作土豆沙拉需要的材料及工具带来,其中由于时间问题,蛋及马铃薯得先煮好。 由于本人还未上过此课,还不能谈教学反思。只是把自己对这教材的思 考与处理在这儿跟同仁们商榷,由于无实际该课程的上课经验,定问题多多,恳求给予批评指正,不胜感激! bread, cake, chocolate, coffee, 1. What’s for breakfast / lunch / dinner? fruit, juice, noodle, vegetable, 2. Have we got any eggs? milk, egg, jam,have…for meals, 3. Would you like to have some hungry, fridge bread? 1’ 教学反 思 板书设 计
1.知识目标:使学生掌握并熟悉运用以下词汇和短语: peel, wash, boil, mix, serve, take…off, cut…into, put…into, be ready to do. 教学2.语言技能目标:能运用所学词汇描述土豆沙拉的制作过程,能在真实目标 情景中熟练运用。 3.情感目标:通过创设情境,学生身临其境感受和体验,使语言学以致 用,激发学生的学习积极性。体会在活动中学习英语的乐趣。 4.学习策略目标:通过学习,使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、探究学习、合作学习的习惯,有效交际、用英语思维的能力。 5.德育目标:提高学生动手能力,生活自理能力,增强其合作意识。 教学 1.能够用英语简单介绍一道菜的制作过程。 2.掌握课文中的重点词汇和短语:peel, wash, boil, mix, serve, take…off, 重点 cut…into, put…into, be ready to do. 教学 难点 教学 方法 学习 方法 学会制作土豆沙拉,描述其制作过程。 分组合作法、直观演示法、活动探究法 分组讨论法、分组合作法 、实践法 多媒体设备,各组同学及老师预先准备:小瓦斯炉,一次性手套,小锅,教学 碟子,大碗,刀,刀板,3个马铃薯(由于课堂时间有限,已先煮好),2,一颗洋葱,一个西红柿,半勺糖,1勺盐,200克 媒体 个鸡蛋(已先煮好)香肠 教学过程 预设 教学 教师活动 时间 环节 3’ 热身 1. Greeting. 2. Get the students to enjoy a piece of flash show Greedy monkey. 3’ 学生活动 Go over these words: onion, sausage, tomato, potato, sugar and salt during the show. 设计 意图 Revise some words which will appear in today’s new lecture. Attract the interests of the students by the lovely monkey. Get the students to learn some new words through lively flash show. Attract their interests of learning new lessons. Show the subject of 2’ 展现 Get the students to Read after the enjoy another flash speaker. about showing the new words, wash, 2. Have a clear idea of peel, piece, boil, some new words(such shell, add, mix, as, peel, boil, shell, bowl, serve. mix, serve)during the show. 导入 1. Show a picture of Look at the picture, 3’ 听与读 5’ 提醒 13’ 小组活动 6’ 学生演示呈现 a bowl of potato salad. 2. Ask the students, “What is it?” 3. Help the students answer, “It’s potato salad.” “It seems very delicious. Do you want to know how to make potato salad.” Let the students look at the screen, listen to the introduction of the steps of making potato salad. Remind the students, 1. What vegetables do you need? 2. How long do you need to boil the potato and the egg? 3. What do you cut into small pieces? 4. What’s the last step to make potato salad? 1.Encourage the students to take out the ingredients they have prepared to make potato salad by co-operation. 2. Help those who need help during their preparing and cooking. 1. Get 2 teams to perform. 2. Praise their good team work. answer the questions of the teacher. And of course they can ask questions about the picture. the lecture to the students. The students will yearn for knowing about the steps of making potato salad. Look at the screen. Read after the introduction. Read the text carefully. Find out the answer to the teacher’s questions correctly. Help the students to have a whole view of making potato salad. Help the Students have a clear thought of making potato salad, then they won’t make big mistakes while they are really preparing and cooking potato salad. Make potato salad by team work. Tell each other the steps of making potato salad in English during the procedure. Ask for help while they meet difficulties. One member of the team tell the others the steps of their making potato salad. Encourage the students to do things by themselves Lead them to practice English during the real life. Form the students’ habits of co-operating during work. Practice the students’ oral English. Correct the mistakes which they made 3’ 2’ The other members 3. Correct mistakes can add after his/her after actions. introduction. 复习1. Ask the students to Answer the teacher’s 巩固 make sure what questions. ingredients are needed while making potato salad. And how many/much are they? 2. The steps of making potato salad. 3. The new words and Take notes. phrases: peel, wash, cut…into, boil, take…off, shell, add, mix, serve… 作业 1. Ask them to make Listen carefully and the salad at home follow the teacher. and tell the family how he/she made it in English. 2. Let them do⑤, ⑥on Page 84. 3. Tell others how you cook one of your favorite dishes according to ⑦ on Page 84. during the actions. Help the students to have a clearer idea what they have learnt during the class. Get the students to consolidate what have learnt in English class. Help the students to form the habits of helping parents at home. Lead them to form the habit of speaking English after class. 板书1. 1/2 spoon of sugar 5. take…off 设 计 2. one spoon of salt 6. cut…into 3. 1/5 kilogram of sausage 7. put…into 4. peel, wash, boil, mix ,serve 8. be ready to do
中职英语教材(外研版基础模块)第一册教学设计 Unit6 What’s for Dinner 免费