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Looking at U.S. Political Changes from the Election

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Looking at U.S. Political Changes from the Election


【期刊名称】《现代国际关系:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2004(000)011

【摘要】Bush won the election in the 2004 President election in America, leaving many topics for discussion for scholars. Here I want to raise two questions: first, why Bush was re-elected? Second, what does Bush's being re-elected mean to U.S. politics? With regard to the first question, many analyses have been done that can be concluded as the following four reasons: (1) U.S. political history and election history show that wartime president is very likely to be re-elected. (2) America was in the anti-terrorist war. The majority of U.S. citizens feel safe due to Bush-led terrorist war. (3) U.S. political trend of thought is conservative in general and this trend continues to be so. Plus many religious right-wingers especially the influence of the development of the Gospel religious sect and its grass-root work is conducive to Bush's being re-elected. (4) Large capital and enterprise groups support Bush.…… 【总页数】8页(P.20-27) 【关键词】

【作者】Yue;Xiaoyong 【作者单位】 【正文语种】英文

Looking at U.S. Political Changes from the Election


