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(2)run out“用完了”,是不及物动词词组,无被动形式,其主语通常为时间、金钱、食物等名词。 6take it easy

双语释义 轻松(relax);别紧张;从容(指心理上)(not to be worried) 学情诊断 (1)完成句子

①Just take_it_easy and tell us what happened. 别急,告诉我们发生了什么事。

②There’s no need to rush back—just take_your_time. 不要急着赶回来——慢慢来吧。

③The doctor told me to take_things_easy and stop working too hard. 医生劝我放松一下,工作不要过于劳累。

(2)—I’m sorry I forgot to post the letter for you. —________.I’ll post it myself,then. A.That’s right C.Take it easy 归纳拓展

take things easy别紧张,慢慢来;从容不迫地进行工作 take one’s chances碰运气

take one’s time不匆忙,别着急,慢慢来(有的是时间) take...for granted认为……理所当然 take sth.seriously认真对待某事 7let out

双语释义 发出(give a cry);放走;放大/长/宽(衣物)(make...looser or larger);说出秘密,泄密(give away) 学情诊断


(1)I’m counting on you to support me—don’t let me down. (2)Close the door;you’re letting all the heat out. (3)The baby can’t even crawl yet,let alone walk!

(4)I’m getting married next week,but please don’t let on to anyone. (5)Don’t let go of my hand or we’ll get separated! 归纳拓展

let down使失望;放/降下

B.All the best

D.It’s too bad


let alone更不用说

let on (to sb.)泄露(给某人) let sb./sth. go??

?释放;松手;放开 ?let go of sb./sth.?

8in particular

双语释义 尤其,特别(particularly);特殊的;专门的(special) 学情诊断 (1)同义词语替换

①I like meat in general,and mutton in_particular.especially/particularly ②Is there anything in_particular you’d like for dinner?special

(2)She has already tried her best.Please don’t be too________about her job. (2011·江西,33)

A.special C.unusual 归纳拓展

nothing in particular没什么特别的 be particular about/over对……挑剔/讲究

B.responsible D.particular

1There are various reasons why people write poetry. 人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。 句型公式:reason +定语从句 学情诊断

(1)The reason why_he_was_sleepy in class was that he stayed up last night. 他上课困倦的原因是他昨天晚上熬夜了。 (2)单项填空

①The reason________I can’t come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam. A.for

B.as D.why


②Is this the reason________at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A.he explained B.what he explained C.how he explained D.why he explained 归纳拓展


(1)reason当先行词时,如果定语从句中不缺主语、宾 语或表语,一般用why 或for which 引导定语从句。 (2)reason当先行词时,如果定语从句中缺主语、宾语 或表语,一般用that/which引导定语从句。

2Should the traveller return,this stone would utter speech.行人归来石应语。

句型公式:虚拟条件句中省掉if再倒装 学情诊断


①Had_he_studied_harder,_he would have got the diploma. 如果他学习更刻苦一些, 他就能拿到证书了。

②Were_I_to_see/Should_I_see Yao Ming tomorrow in the flesh, I would ask him for signature.

如果明天我见到姚明本人,我就请他签名。 (2)单项填空

①Had you listened to the doctor, you________all right now. A.are


D.would have been

C.would be

②________your advice,I would have had no trouble with my papers. A.Had I followed

B.If I followed C.If I have followed D.Once I followed 归纳拓展

在含有were, should, had的虚拟条件句中,可以省去if, 并使用倒装语序,将were, should, had提到主语之前。 3单元语法:虚拟语气2



(1)If you had come here earlier,the work would_have_been_done(do) yesterday. (2)My suggestion is that we (should)_go (go) there at once.

(3)What do you think of his proposal that we (should)_put (put) on a play at the English evening?

(4)He didn’t_come(not,come) yesterday,otherwise you would have seen him. (5)If you had_worked(work) hard then,you would be in the university now.


Ⅴ.微语法(27)——倍数的表达法 (课外拓展——一个单元突破一个语法点)

1.Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s,but it cost ________ his. (2009·辽宁,33) A.as much twice as C.much as twice as

B.twice as much as D.as twice much as

2.My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice ________ expensive. A.as




3.Mum likes this old house in downtown better than the huge one in the country,but it costs almost ______. A.twice as much C.twice so much

B.twice as many D.twice so many

4.You’d better go there by train.The train ticket is ________ the airplane ticket. A.as cheap three times as B.as three times cheap as C.three times cheaper than D.cheaper three times than

5.At a rough estimate,Nigeria is________ Great Britain. A.three times the size as B.the size three times of C.three times as the size of D.three times the size of




