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C D教学设计

教学分析 1、学情分析

一年级的学生刚刚入学,所以作为教师应该完全遵循学生的年龄特点和学习情况进行设计,带领学生在复习Aa,Bb字母发音和呈现节奏上进行新的学习,并在小组竞赛的前提下,引导学生遵守课堂秩序,学会听讲并积极参与各种教学活动,从而培养学生学习英语的兴趣和方法。 2、教材分析

本课时主要是引导学生学会字母Cc,Dd的发音,认读并正确书写字母Cc和Dd。同时能正确听出、读出和说出cat,car,dog和desk这四个单元的发音和意义。 教学目标 1、 知识与技能

1)学生能正确表达Cc,Dd在单词中的发音,认读并带动作表示出来。 2)学生能听懂、会说和认读词汇:cat,car,dog和desk。 2、 情感与态度

学生通过积极参与各种学习活动,逐渐学会听讲,能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 教学重难点


2、教学难点:表达字母Cc,Dd在单词中的发音时不拉长声。 教学准备

多媒体、字母卡片、奖励印章。 教学过程 一、Warming up

1. Greeting: Hello,boys and girls! Let’s start our class by singing the song. 2. Sing the song: Hi! Hello!

(设计题图:歌曲的演唱既能够迅速集中学生的课堂注意力,活跃气氛,激发兴趣,又复习了旧知,为后面的认识新字母做好语用上的准备。) 3. Free talk:

T: Today we’ll learn two new before them let me check it you remembered our old friends.)(教师展示Aa卡片,并同时引导学生说出This letter’s name is Aa. But the letter Aa says /a/。同上复习字母Bb。)

(设计意图:简单的Free Talk 唤醒学生的旧知,为新授打基础。) 二、Presentation and Practice 一)、Presentation Cc and Dd 1. Introduce the new letter: C c

1)、T:Do you want to see our new first friend? Ss: Yes! One-two-three, I want to see!

(设计意图:完全模仿瑞格叔叔的模式,引出新字母前,全体学生有节奏有动作地表现出认识新字母的热情!这样做能有效集中学生注意力,并未学生打下类似东西了,快认真听”的心里暗示和烙印!从而提高课堂教学效率。) 2) 、Follow the teacher to read letter Cc

Ask the students to say “Hello” to Cc. Team by team, then together.


3)、Teach the sound of Cc.

( The teacher will say a sentence “The letter c says /k/.同时做出适当的动作。Then the students learn to say and the Tam c-b-a to say and do. Next, ask the students in Row 1 to say and do one by one.)

(设计意图:学生带着动作学发音,借用全身反应法识记字母音和意,能帮助学生提高记忆力,增强学习趣味性和从而提高课堂教学实效性。) 4)、Teach the word behind the letter Cc.

(The teacher will say something about the word overstately. Also include the gesture and body langusge. “I see a lovely animal. It has four legs. It likes to eat fish.” What is it? Let’s open the door, ok? Then the students and the teacher open the door quickly. )

The teacher leads the students to say the sound and the word with a short chant. Cc(read it with /k/) , cat; Cc(read it with /k/) , cat;Cc(read it with /k/) , cat Then the students learn to chant it again!

(设计意图:完全模仿瑞格叔叔的模式和自己特有的音效打开卡片学单词。再次给予学生说字母音记字母型的自己会,学生在有趣的动作和语言中积极参与学习,并为后面学习相关单词引起重视,从而提高教学效率。让学生在单词中体会字母发音是自然拼读教学的重要体现!) 5)、Listen and find

(The teacher will lead the students to look at the word card with many interesting at the cat. The cat is wearing glasses. It’s happy. The cat is going to eat a fish. Wow! What a cool cat is! Yes?)

Then ask the students to listen carefully. Repeat the phrases “cool cat” four times.

Ask the students to find:What sound do you hear twice? The students try to find the sound /k/.

(设计意图:让带有竞争性的小游戏引起学生的积极注意,并且再一次引导学生在单词词组中听辨字母c的发音/k/, 夯实语音基础,完成教学目标。) 6)、Teach the letter Dd as above.

(在初步呈现字母d时有意识引导学生伸出右手大拇指与小写d作比较,同时将d与字母b作简单区分。) 二).Use the Teaching Courseware 1)、Cc, Dd.

Listen the ask the students to read these letters and talk about their sounds with a sentences.

It’s the letter Cc(Dd). But the letter Cc(Dd) says /k/(/d/).

(设计意图:引导学生说完整话,同时明确地区分字母名和字母音。) 2)、More words cat, car, dog, desk

Talk about the lettes and sounds then listen and review or learn the new words one by one.



