unit 1 interests and hobbies i. dictation
ask the students to do the dictation of the words in text a unit 1.
ii. lead-in and video-watching
ask the students to work in groups, learn to express likes or dislikes i (don’t) like… …is my favorite. i prefer…to… i care for…
…is the last thing i would do watch the video and do the exercises
iii. listening skills for short passages 1
. a few ways to help students conclude the main idea 1). explaining what a topic sentence is
usually placed in the beginning, or at the end of a passage, or some times appears in the middle of the passage where the key words are frequently repeated. 2). listening for general idea read and analyze the choices first. infer the question. find the repeated words. listen to the passage and pay special attention to the beginning or the ending part of the passage.
2. skill practice: listen to the following three passages and answer the questions
iv. comprehensive training put the skills into practice
1. 5 short conversations and a long conversation 2. 1 short passage 3. dictation v. assignment
1. further listening practice in unit 1
2. remember the new words, phrases in the listening exercises 3. finish the exercises left in unit 1 in students’ textbooks 北华航天工业学院教案 unit 2. life and fashion i. dictation
ask the students to do the dictation of the words in text a unit 2.
ii. lead-in and video-watching
ask the students to work in groups, learn to seek advice from others how do you feel? what about...?
how do you think about? whats your opinion? what is your view? what do you think?
watch the video and do the exercises iii. listening skills for short passages
1. make the students familiar with different kinds of numbers 2. explain how the numbers are tested.
3. tips: pay attention to the digit; pay attention to the ways of reading numbers; pay attention to the use of commas; pay attention to the calculation.
4. skill practice: listen to the following three passages and answer the questions
iv. comprehensive training put the skills into practice
1. 5 short conversations and a long conversation 2. 1 short passage 3. dictation v. assignment
1. further listening practice in unit 2
2. remember the new words, phrases in the listening exercises 3. finish the exercises left in unit 2 in students’ textbooks 北华航天工业学院教案
【篇三:大学英语听说第三版第四册1-10 教案】
college english
focus listening and speaking iv (third edition)
大学英语听说第三版 第 四 册
教学对象:文法理工专科及体育艺术类本科第四学期 开课部门:宜春学院外国语学院大学外语教学部 2012年2月
unit one announcements i. teaching objectives: students will be able to:
1.be familiar with the oral subjects;
2.get to know speakers’ points and attitudes;
3.question and retell the listening materials. ii. the focus and difficult points:
understanding airport and railway station announcements making announcements
1. communicative funtion: making announcements
drawing audience’s attention / making an announcement / closing an announcement 2. retelling
3. discussion
iii. time allotment: one period (40 mins) 1. part a micro-listening (10 mins) 2. part b macro-listening announcement 1 (15 mins) announcement 2 (15 mins) iv. teaching methods:
listening and speaking, content-based instruction, grammar-translation v. teaching procedures: a. part a micro-listening 1. exercise 1
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers.
(answers: flight number: 191, 810, 153, 17, 74; gate number: 16, 2, 10, 8, 24) 2. exercise 2
listen and do exercise 2, then check the answers.
(answers: at 17:00, the one to chicago, the 9:25 train to oxford, platform 3, at 10:30)
b. part b macro-listening 1. announcement 1
explain the new words and expressions;
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers;
listen again and do exercise 2, then check the answers; explain some language and cultural points:
a flight announcement: before the plane takes off, an
announcement is usually made about safety in flying, e.g. how to fasten the seat belt, what to do in case of an emergency.
a direct flight: a flight from one city to another city directly or without any stop.
a duty-free bar: a place on the plane where cigarettes and liquor can be bought with no payment of tax
(answers: 1. c, a, c, d2. air china, new york, 13.5, 1:30 p.m.)
2. announcement 2
explain the new words and expressions;
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers;
listen again and do exercise 2, then check the answers; explain some language and cultural points: big apple: a nickname for the city of new york
sand painting: a ceremonial art form of certain groups of
american indians who make paintings by sticking colored sand on a template.
(answers: 1. d, b, c, a2. two basketball, skiing, the big apple band, mostly $10 tickets but a very few $5 seats still on sale, rock, mineral, early people, pottery, sand painting, free) c. assignments:
1. oral practice: communicative function: making announcements / retelling / discussion; 2. part d: home listening. unit two celebrities
i. teaching objectives: students will be able to:
1.be familiar with the oral subjects;
2.get to know speakers’ points and attitudes; 3.question and retell the listening materials. ii. the focus and difficult points: listening for important details interview with a celebrity 1. pair work 2. retelling
3. discussion
iii. time allotment: one period (40 mins) 1. part a micro-listening (10 mins) 2. part b macro-listening conversation 1 (15 mins) conversation 2 (15 mins) iv. teaching methods:
listening and speaking, content-based instruction, grammar-translation v. teaching procedures: a. part a micro-listening 1. exercise 1
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers.
(answers: 1954, chinese opera research institute, exciting, dangerous acts, 1978, comedy, dangerous stunts) 2. exercise 2
listen and do exercise 2, then check the answers. (answers: public figures, chief, is admired for doing
something, noble or brave, is admired for the accomplishment, enduring efforts, great courage, confidence in oneself, fills
people’s minds with respect, entertainment or business circles, may sometimes inspire envy) b. part b macro-listening 1. conversation 1
explain the new words and expressions;
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers;
listen again and do exercise 2, then check the answers; explain some language and cultural points:
steven hawking: one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists, known for his theory of exploding black holes which drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics.
a brief history of time: steven hawking’s bestseller. the book addresses questions like “was there a beginning of time? will there be an end? is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries?”
(answers: 1. d, a, d, b2. a professor, fighting motor neurone disease, he was about 20, a brief history of time, average
person, bestseller, twice, three, grandchild, a computer, eating, speaking, writing) 2. conversation 2
explain the new words and expressions;
listen and do exercise 1, then check the answers;
listen again and do exercise 2, then check the answers; explain some language and cultural points:
the need to take a break so you can recharge your batteries: the urge to take some time off from what you are doing so as to regain your strength and energy, and to improve yourself.
i feel a lot of personal responsibility because of how much i’ve been blessed: the superstar thinks he is really fortunate to be so successful and he feels he has the personal responsibility to do something for society in return. he would like to give back some of what he has received.
(answers: 1. c, c, d, d2. normal life, happy, responsible people, personal responsibility, volunteer, fund-raising events, creating opportunities, outdoor, traveling, amazing places, reading, fast reader, learn, recharge his batteries) c. assignments:
1. oral practice: pair work / retelling / discussion; 2. part d: home listening. vi. teaching evaluation